Acronyms (revised) - input please!

Thanks gigem.

OOOO yeah, thanks :)

Did I see these or ??...amazing list ??
IDF ..International Diabetes Federation
JDRF ...Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation ...instead of Fund ???
DTC ...Disability Tax Credit ( for Canadians )
WDD ...World Diabetes Day ( Nov.14 )

Hi jrtpup, great list, expanded. So how are you going to keep it available? Maybe speak to Administration?

I'll probably put it in a blog so it's easily accesable. Will talk with Emily about putting it and the glossary somewhere easy to find.

Thanks nel! BBT is missing too.

bikette, I'm going for acronyms we use on TuD, be they D related or not.

Love your list LOL, thanks ;)

bikette ...too funny , signed PP

U R a hoot!!!

I agree it was a funny list, provided by bikette...this makes it even MORE important to leave it as a separate list.
Therefore please make distinct lists that separate the
(1) medical terminology from the
(2) CELL phone short forms that are just being used these days on the Chat forum too on the weekends.
I don't have a cell phone so never learned any of them.

TGIF for Toes Go In First.
I thought it was Thank God It's Friday!!

I think these lists are necessary, but I won't forgive you if you don't separate them into types of lists.
I agree they need to be in a special place on the TuD site.

I ALSO want to know what the initials are on various participants pictures that show who they are...such as the "heart," the "I"....etc.

The logos on the pics are people who were recognized with awards. I sort of like having the "serious" medical information mixed up w/ the ROTFLisms since diabetes is a unique mix of needing to be serious about a ghastly disease while maintaining a positive attitude by making fun of it? "The Gay Science" indeed!

Janina, it won't be purely medical/D terms, but will also include other acronyms that are used in the discussions (i.e. TuD). The target audience is those who are brand new to any forum so haven't been exposed to even the simplest acronyms. It won't be loaded with texting terms, but will have some that are common to our forums.

OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Diabetic?

Earthling, this definition of OCD is one of my favorites! Mutter it at myself all the time.

Me too. Something about being on the pump!

I'm on MDI, but it still fits (reaching for my meter).

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Not very important acronyms:

BU = bread unit (12g of carbs = 1BU)
CU = carbohydrate unit (10g of carbs = 1CU)
Just the European way of counting carbs.

CVD = cardiovascular disease

????? BM ....bowl movement
BP ....blood pressure
Is there an acronym for voiding, peeing ??