Allergic to my infusion set adhesive

Anyone else have a problem with rashes and stuff from their infusion sets? I should have expected this. Years ago I had to get an EKG (they attach a bunch of wires to your skin with medical tape) and I had rashes alllll over my chest. I couldn’t take it! But I was crossing my fingers this wouldn’t happen when I started the pump. No such luck. So far they don’t seem to really bother me (besides appearance) but I’ve heard that stuff can just get worse. Any suggestions? Thanks!



I am allergic to my adhesive from my Sil’s as well as latex. To lessen the severity of my reaction, I place tegaderm HP below my infusion set and insert through it, I also cut a hole and place another tegaderm on top to further secure my set.

The only thing that worked for me was a barrier wipe called Cavilon. I had reactions to both the tegaderm and IV300. There are several previous discussions on tudiabetes about this
Discussion 1
discussion 2