Allergic to plastic in Inset infusion sets

Hi everyone. I've been using my pump for about 2 and a half years now and have always used Inset infusion sets. However, I've recently developed an allergy to the plastic in them. I was looking in to using the Contact Detach sites instead, but am wondering if those have plastic in them at all? It's not just the cannula I seem to be allergic to- it's any plastic that touches my skin. Every time I remove my site, a welt has formed which eventually turns into a scab and it's pretty miserable!

Thanks for your help!

The "business end" of the comfort-detach is metal. Very very short - I'm slim and have no problems with the 90 degree angle (aka straight in) f the comfort-detach. I also like the fact that it seems to stay on better. I can really work up a sweat and the angled sets slide right out. With the comfort detach I can just pop it back in and tape over it. Is the problem where the set enters the skin? Or is around the site where it enters the skin. There are barrier products if it is around the site. Another thing I like about the comfort detawch is that I can pop one in my bottom. That gives my abdominal area a rest.

Thanks for your reply! I’m having problems with both where the site enters the skin and where it is resting against my skin. I’ve tried using the skin prep wipes but break out with a rash when I use those too.

Back when I has skin problems with my Insets, I applied Tegaderm to my intended injection site. Then I inserted the Inset through the Tegaderm. This eliminated my problem. If you try this you will avoid any issues you have with potential skin adhesive allergies. If you still have problems you will know it is probably the cannula. Switching to a metal cannula may fix that. You may have to use a combination of Tegaderm with the metal cannula.

My daughter is allergic to tegaderm--doesn't fix everything

I´m allergic to IV 3000 but Tegaderm is fine. I guess you have to try out the differnet options. I have moved to steel cannulas myself and is very satisfied. Goodluck, hope you find a satisfying solution.