Another one bites the dust!

My boyfriend of 7 months had a horrible time dealing with my multiple hospitalizations due to complications from diabetes and the day to day trials and tribulations of the day to day diabetes life. I know that it’s difficult for people. I am very independent, not needy and never dramatic and he has a great admiration for what I deal with but just doesn’t want to be around it all the time. It makes me sad and also makes me feel like I’m not ever going to meet Mr. Right. We have lots of fun on the day to day activities but I feel like that’s all I’m good for. We belong too social group and do lots of fun things like horseback riding, we recently went to the zoo, we go to get togethers often and we are very active but anything deeper than that was just to much. Why am I not good enough for people to take the bad along with the good?

You're good .. you should know that .. Maybe he's just not ready to get involved in deeper issues .. he's just known u for 7 months .. I guess this could be a good thing .. Having someone pretty much involved in everything in ur life when u'vejust known them would be just weird !!
If he really cares then it's just a matter of time till he gets involved ! and if he doesn''t then it's his own loss not urs !

Please don't mistake his selfishness and shallow perspective of what love is for your not being worthy to find someone to create a life with. Don't let this get to you. When the time is right, you'll find someone and when you do they will love every aspect of you, even the diabetes part and will be there for you. Don't settle for anything less than what you'd offer to someone. I know it's hard, but hang in there. It'll work it'self out.

Thanks to both of you. I really appreciate a mans perspective too! Thanks again! I know what you say is true

Don't give up you're worth knowing and someone will recognize you for who you are.

Yes you will. Apparently this was not the right one. Better to find it out now. You have a good attitude. The right person just for you will come along. I have had trial and trbulations but I am 85 and I am still here. Do not get discouraged. Reed

I relate to your frustration. I wish I had some valuable answers for you. What I will say... is you ARE good enough and deserve to be loved, valued and respected.

Thank you for all the support!

It's not just diabetic women who have this problem. My young friends without it have all said the same thing, and sooner or later someone has come along who wanted to stay.

My son would never tell anyone he was diabetic and it was a secret for the same fear of rejection and "I can't deal with that". Then he met a girl who really had her own set of medical issues and he was there for her. She showed curiousity and asked if she could take his BG and know how his pen worked and asked to carry glucose in case of emergency. When he was admitted to the hospital she stayed with him overnight everynight. She waited on him. She tested his keytones and got an education she was not expecting. It is not always like this but it can be. We all have the flu and her family told him to come and stay with them till we get better. This was someone that I did not want for him because of all her issues. Now I see that they are there for the other. There is someone for everyone. I tell him do not let D define you. You define it. Best of luck.

Nice story RBA!