Anybody have NYSHIP/The Empire Plan insurance & Omnipod?

I’ve been on Oxford insurance the past year & they covered my pods with just a $25/quarterly copay. My company has now bwwn absorbed into the NY State employee’s coverage system. 10 days ago I contacted Insulet with my new Health Care info but I still can’t get an answer as to whether the omnipod will be covered. My next shipment of pods is due tomorrow & I am freaking out about the lack of info.thanx. john

I have Empire Blue Cross / Blue Shield HMO secondary. Medicare is primary and DOES NOT cover Omnipod :frowning: However a doctor’s note on file satisfies the Empire HMO to pickup the cost of pods.

Thanks. I beleive I have received a positive indication from Insulet this afternoon. They indicated I was going to be shifted to a different pod supplier, Liberty, to satisfy the new insurance company & that Insulet was going to immediately send me a supply of free pods to last me 2 weeks until the new supplier got my shipment to me. If it all happens this way I will be happy.:slight_smile: I’ll let u al know. john

I have NYSHIP Empire plan managed by Unted Healthcare. Their original contract was with Insulet and Empire paid the full amount for all my pods. They consider pods durable medical equipment. They most recently moved their contract to Liberty (don’t ask me why they needed to introduce a middleman into the equation). Liberty is now my supplier, they do require a lot of paperwork from your doctor and sometimes have to be reminded to ship your pods on time. Otherwise, the cost is fully paid for by Empire. I am very pleased.

yep! That’s totally correct about NYSHIP/United Health care. Yesterday I took delivery of FIVE boxes of pods from Liberty & they were completely covered by the insurance without any copay! I’m quite happy although I’m not really sure why they sent me 5 boxes at once! john