Anyone have kaiser permenante in northern california?

Glad to hear you had a good experience… BTW, if you’re trying to lose weight, I lost about 40 lbs (dropped from 205 to current weight of 165) gradually over a year by reducing my caloric intake (kept to a caloric restricted, but balanced diet), exercised for 1 hour daily and gradually was able to turn down my basal insulin requirement.

You do need some carbs for energy and building lean body mass.

Just my two cents :-).

Hey, I didn’t even know there WAS a Bay Area Group! Hi all! I’m thinking of transferring as well to Kaiser from my current PPO. I didn’t realize there were several different Kaiser plans now. (I had it years ago). I’m going to do a bit more research. Anyone else on here have CalPERS?

One Kaiser question I have been wondering about. I just got a Ping 3 months ago. I buy my supplies from Animas. I’m covered 80% on my current insurance and then Animas gives me another 30% discount over that for low income. How do you get covered from pump supplies when you have Kaiser?

We finally switched to Kaiser at DHF. I am seeing what you describe about CGM coverage, but will keep on pushing! :slight_smile:

yeah, the best thing I did was show my doc how many nighttime lows I had showing up on my meter. also I emailed him when I had a low in the 20s that I didn’t feel coming on. Just keep showing that info. you gotta get the endo on your side unfortunately. once the endo really thinks you should have it, you will be approved. don’t let up!

I am a type 1 diebetic with Kaiser that begged to see a specialist for a long time. My sugars ranged from 30-over 600 I come from a family of 3 type 1 diebetics. 2 of the family members were type 1 audult onset I shared this genetic background with my doctor . I now am trying very hard to help increase awareness in the Kaiser system to refer when needed and it has been very heartbreaking and difficult for me. Do you know any endocronologists that would speak up for improvement needed.

I have had so much trouble getting help with my diabetes through Kaiser. Their formulary is very limited. When I asked to try some new medication, they had 2 endocrinologist basically confront me telling me that their protocol is what is going to make me healthy. Sadly, it isn’t working for me, and they won’t think outside of the box. This past December I was hospitalized for a couple of days for an abscess in my throat. They put me on a diabetic diet…I’ve been eating Primal/Paleo/Low Carb. I told them that this food would make my blood sugar spike. They didn’t listen…and my blood sugars were sky high. They pumped lots of insulin in me…which made me bloat up and didn’t do much for my sugar high.

Kaiser is great for treating common ailments, but I can’t recommend them at all. I do recommend Dr. Joe Pendergast at Endocrine Metabolic Medical Center in Palo Alto, CA. He is costly, and doesn’t take insurance…but knows his medicine.