I am covered by my husband’s insurance. He is retired AT&T and we are considering a switch from United Healthcare to Kaiser. I love my Endo and other doctors on my current plan but it is so expensive we can’t afford to keep it.
I use an Animas ping pump and a Dexcom CGM. If anyone with type 1 has information about AT&T retirees, AT&T employees, Kaiser pump and CGM coverage, Endo’s etc in the Roswell/Alpharetta/Cumming area please let me know.
Your best source for this info would probably be to contact Kaiser directly. They can get you a copy of what your plan would cover. You can find them online at kp.org, then choose your region.
I have Kaiser Pacific NW. They cover my pump (with co-pay) but not my CGM. So I pay out of pocket for the CGM, but I get the Kaiser rate since some Kaiser plans/areas do cover CGM. I would talk with your Animas and CGM people - their insurance specialists can tell you.
My experience with healthplan people is that they will say no - so yu don't ask. I went for years paying out of pocket -while insured - for testing supplies. It wasn't until a friend who also had type 1, mentioned that hers were covered. I asked and I received.
Thanks for sharing about your plan. It’s kind of scary having to make a big change and not knowing what to expect. Would you mind telling me what the Kaiser discount is for CGM if you’re paying out of pocket?
Also, Kaiser plans are going to be different from one area of the country to the next and also what type of plan you have.
Similarly, the United Health Care plan for AT&T/retirees is different than any other plan out there since it is a self-funded plan that is only administered by UHC,
I also have an Animas Ping. I will look up what my pump co-pays are for you - those things are in the same stack of things to be filed I mentioned earlier! Let's hope that since I have to go through each piece of paper, I file at the same time!
First, I have to brag, I am filing all that stuff. So throw me a parade!
Okay a run down of costs and what I paid with Kaiser's discount Dexcom receiver List is $699 My cost $370
Dex transmitter List $799 my cost $399
Box - Dex Sensors List $499 my cost $284.20
Animas Pump supply List $453 My cost 90
I live in Atlanta. I don't have Kaiser, but I use Atlanta Diabetes and I like them. I actually prefer Pat Richardson, a nurse practitioner. She has broch the subject of depression, the DOC, and other things I think doctors should cover with their diabetic patients. She reminds me that numbers are not judgement. I am really lucky to have her on my team.