I’m dreading it. I’m putting off the ache in my mouth because I absolutely hate dentists. And I heard not too long after getting diagnosed that diabetics are more prone to dental problems? Is this true? Is there anything I can do other than go to the dentist to help with this? Any suggestions?
I think the idea is that our saliva is more sugary, therefore there’s more for the bacteria in our mouths to feed off of. Also, because we may not heal as quickly, there can be problems with infections in the mouth. Do all those things the dentist wants you to do. Brush at least twice a day and floss every day. Other than good oral hygiene and visiting the dentist, don’t worry about it, it’s a minor risk.
Hi Ashley, I’m not a dentist but my suggestion is to go to the dentist and have a complete exam to find out what’s causing the ache and have if fixed. With todays dentists, new dental procedures, and new meds and drugs there is usually no pain and little discomfort during or after the procedure.
Regular dental exams, checkups, and cleanings should be included on the list of things to do by people with diabetes.
I’ve had T1 diabetes for 40 years and I recently celebrated birthday # 70. I have all my own teeth, some with crowns, and my gums are in very good condition.
You are hearing this from someone who asks for novocaine when I get my haircut.
It’s true. But the concern isn’t. The problem as it was explained to me is that the bacteria can lead to additional health problems.
I have been avoiding going for economic reasons. Or so I tell myself.
My father is a dentist (lucky me - he checks in on me a lot) and my sister is a dental hygienist. My father has told me that diabetics are more prone to dental problems (immune system is slower and the extra sugar). The most important thing is to floss your teeth - as often as possible! If you have sores in your mouth, you should see a dentist, but you can also try rinsing your mouth with salt water - this always helps. There is also this mouth rinse that my father gave me that helps keep your mouth in great shape (and keeps tartar away!) It’s called: PerioPlus - It is an antimicrobial rinse.
I absolutely hate the dentist, having had some baaaad childhood experiences…BUT…and yall knew there was one dintcha?? I was not diagnosed for about 2 years prior to 12/26/07…and in the 6 months preceeding the diagnosis, I lost 2 jaw teeth…they simply cracked…my dental insurance will not pay for the bridge…well to be fair, it will pay 1 thousand on a significantly higher amount…and I also had gum disease/infection…no problems with the extractions themselves and I was blessed to find a great dentist who understands diabetes and adjusted his treatments of me once it was diagnosed…I think there was some merit to the sugary saliva comment …as the comments said, do the good dental hygiene thing and get into the dentist now. There are often clinics if cost is a factor, and/or just be upfront with teh office staff and often they will work out a payment plan. Gooid luck!
You already know that, just like diabetes, tooth aches rarely get better if you don’t treat them properly. .
I was 39 years into type 1 diabetes when I had a living kidney transplant. My teeth were relatively good during that long time (with two dental checkup annually)… Since the transplant (and the anti-rejection drugs I must take to keep the kidney) plus entering my 50s, I have had some additional dental problems. One result is that I now go for dental checkups three times a year, in addition to the stuff I do at home that the dentist and hygenist advocate.