Bad absorption in all the right places :(

I posted this in the general forum and just realized I should post it here! I'm using an omnipod and having a rough week of what I THOUGHT was highs due to allergies but am realizing I've stopped absorbing in my thighs. That was always my go to area when my flank stopped working (right flank doesn't really work at all anymore). Has anyone experienced this happening and then gone back to the area to find that giving the area a break worked? I always alternate side to side but is 3 days not enough time for an area to recover? I fear I'm running out of pod sites.
I woke up with large ketones and BGs in the 300s for the second time this week and was really really discouraged last night. I'm reading through the archives to see what I can dig up on this topic but would appreciate any input. I'm willing to try my arms but am so exhausted from battling the highs all week i'm just not feeling all that adventurous. I tried the pump about a decade ago and this happened and eventually I would get an occlusion alarm within an hour of putting on a (minimed) infusion set and had to go back on MDI.

And yeah, I haven't had a SINGLE pod failure alarm amidst all these ones with crappy absorption wtf

hi CAT i'm sorry you're having so much trouble wit OMNIPOD but it was so nice to meet you & the others at A& J PIZZA ON SUNDAY
hope we can do that again soon.

yes!!! you as well. I told a lot of my family and friends about you and your lovely spirit :slight_smile:

hope you solve your problem soon. stay well.

Pod failure alarms occur when the pod detects it's not delivering insulin, which is different from the insulin being absorbed. There's no way for the pump to detect failure of insulin to be absorbed. Basically if the pump senses too much pressure on the insulin, which occurs when the Cannula has been blocked, usually from white blood cells attacking the cannula and clogging it, then it will alarm. In your case, the insulin was delivered just fine. But you likely have it going into a highly calloused area from shots or other pump usage. These areas have fewer small blood veins, so the insulin sits unabsorbed for long periods, and then the insulin "dies" off and becomes useless. Rotate around a bit more. There's virtually millions of points to insert the cannula. You'll eventually find a good spot.

thank you so mush for clarifying. I wondered too what happened to the insulin that had been delivered, if it's eventually absorbed or if it disappears. Any idea what happens to it, this "dying off"? And thanks for the encouragement about the myriad of possibilities of sites. I got really discouraged last night. But you're right, my thighs are pretty wrecked from years of injections. The pump was working so well there for so long despite that. I guess even good spots turn south and make it clear when it's time to shift around

On my daughter we rotate each side of her stomach and then each leg. The legs always run higher so we started adjusting her basil when it is on her leg. This has worked - we bumped it .05 each time until we found the right number. Talk with your Endo first though - we didnt and it was fine but it is a little nerv racking.

Good Luck

thanks for the reply. I don't know if shifting the basal would help since it worked fine for a few years (alternated with the flank) and then didnt work at all this week. There doesnt seem to be a pattern :(

hi CAT if you are looking for a new endo you can EMAIL ME & i will send info about 1 in fresh meadows & 1 in great neck if you drive car.

Since you are having issues only on one side of your body, here is a theory (and only a theory). Is there any way you are putting it on differently with one hand versus the other? Are you pinching up differently on one side? Angling it differently? I know with me, putting it on the left side seems easier as I am right handed. I know that my arms absorb better since I've used my legs and stomach a lot when on MDI.

Also, I seem to be more relaxed for some reason during cannula launch on my arms versus on my gut or back - psychological for sure, but maybe it matters. I do know that for me, pinching makes a world of difference with consistency. I get more random BS values when I don't pinch. It's not a big pinch, more of a little one and holding the pod steady/firmly when it inserts.

Good luck, it's a great machine when it works properly - way better than "the old days", lol./

This is a great post. Pay close attention to the way you insert depending on which hand you’re using/side of the body. And just making sure you’re aware of what’s happening in general. For example, I need to flex my muscles (funny image) when I’m picking a site to make sure the cannula isn’t too close to muscle tissue. Always gets very sore and sporadic absorption for me.

If it’s an option, maybe you can have someone help you out when placing a pod? I often have my girlfriend double check for me if she thinks it’s a fatty enough spot and occasionally she has a better vantage point than me for placing it out of the way of things.

outstanding theory. I'll pay close attention next time. A poster here suggested that because I'm right handed maybe there's more muscle mass on my right side? So many possible variables. It's helping to read all the positive experiences with using the arm. And yes, I always pinch. It seems if anything, it helps ensure I have enough fat. Thanks for responding!

haha I was having a difficult time falling asleep last night and was flexing my arm over and over agonizing over whether I have enough fat to play with. I should enlist my Type 3 boyfriend more often, especially with the sites on my flank. Thanks!

thanks shoshanna. My endo is in the bronx and I'm actually in the process of finding one a little closer at Naomi Berrie!

No problem! Glad to help. I’m the same way - not a ton of fat, especially on my arms which is one of my favorite spots. If you’re feeling adventurous, advice I got from people on here about the arms is something like this:

Have it oriented upwards so the cannula is pointing towards your shoulder. Then, rather than going closer to the elbow, go closer towards the shoulder, sort of above the triceps and almost between the triceps and the shoulder. That should be a good starting point, anyway. Good luck!

I can't use my legs anymore, lost too much fat(that is a good thing for me:), but I did find a sweet spot that is no mentioned much(at least for guys). I use the right and left side pectorial area above my "moobs"(man boobs). I know, really weird spot, but I've really good absorption rates there and I don't hit it on door jambs or any of the places you would knock a pod off. I do have to shave the area on both sides so it does look like a defibrillator accident:) but its under my shirt and out of the way. My seat belt sits on it, but I don't notice it anymore.

Hey cat, I can so empathize with what you're going through. I went through a similar rough spell with poor absorption of sites due to 25 years of injections.

What worked for me was getting the courage (thanks to this group!) to try unconventional sites. You don't have to stick to the sites on the OmniPod material. Oddly enough one of my favorite sites is right around my rib cage on each side - from the bottom of my bra to above my pants line. Works like a charm now.

I hope you find your new favorite spot that works well for you. :) Take care and keep us posted. You may find a spot that we haven't tried yet.

so helpful, thank you

i wonder if it would work on my loobs (lady boobs). I may try that if i run out of options.

thanks so much for your sympathy and encouragement. My BGs are a MESS right now, but the rollercoaster I was on with MDI made it almost impossible to even work. I hadn't thought of trying anything that wasn't in the guide. Shoot, it can't be any worse than it already is!