Hi All - my wife made a good treat for me the other night. No cane sugar, just honey or agave nectar for a sweetener and fresh apples :) see below - enjoy
NOTE: This will raise blood sugars, so please measure appropriately when cooking and count carbs accordingly. This is a "treat" and I used as a replacement for apple crumb pie, which no matter how hard I try to dose my insulin, never turns out pretty. thanks!
That does look good. I tend to avoid fruit, I can do ok with a lot of different carbs in moderation, but fruit is kinda tricky for me. But I do love it a lot.
that looks nice! thanks, will be trying it soon! my friend made an apple crumble at thanksgiving that made my bg all crazy. it was worth it but wouldnt be worth it twice...
I hate to agree, but I do. An apple has between 14 and 35 carbs each (all sugar and fiber) depending on the size. Agave has 16 carbs per tablespoon and honey has 17, so yes, it is sugar. So if you cook two "medium" apples and figure 25 carbs each with 2 tablespoons of agave and split it, that is an estimated carb count of 42 carb, not even counting the nuts.
It looks delicous and healthy, but that is more carbs than I ever eat at a meal.....
And I agree that fruit, because it is mostly sugar, can really wreak havoc on blood glucose levels.
I would rather just go ahead and have a big Snickers Bar if I'm going to take in that much sugar.
Total Carbohydrates 33.0g...I'm pretty sure this trumps Apples and the cactus whiskey byproduct (agave nectar) it's not any better for you than whats in the Snickers Bar, they call it nectar how sneaky is that...;)
Yes, by no means did I intend that this “treat” will not break down to glucose, like any carbohydrate will. This will raise your blood sugar and that is noted. The benefit to making your own food is that you are able to adjust ingredients and measure exactly what goes into it. There isn’t any “cane sugar” added, which for me is the most rapid way to increase my BS. Agave has a lower glycemic index, so that is my preference.
Everyone can choose their own preference and if you choose a snickers or milky way, that is your preference I chose not to eat only around diabetes, but for my whole body. I choose not to eat high caloric, high fat (dairy), and/or processed foods. A snickers bar contains cane sugar, cocoa butter, milkfat, milk sugar and butter. It contains small amounts of partially hydrogenated soybean oil, salt and artificial flavor.
I appreciate all comments, so thanks all. I hope people are able measure out accurately in their preparation and be able to enjoy a treat around the holidays.
Agave is a high fructose syrup, despite clever marketing that makes it appear like some kind of healthy alternative. Sugar is actually better & less processed, not that I'm advocating sugar. Fructose is metabolized by the liver & something to be avoided.
Agave is highly processed. Don't understand how that's considered Paleo.
Bram, I did not mean to put down your recipe in any way. One thing I see a lot on these boards (and more so with people I meet) is that people think things like "lite" salad dressings or "sugar free" foods are better for diabetics. If you read the labels, you will find, for example, that sugar free cookies and candy have nearly the same carb count; the sugar has just been replaced with other chemicals. Lite salad dressings use sugar for the consistency lost without the fat, and my blood glucose levels cannot handle them easily.
Oh, and I never eat chocolate cany--it destroys my glucose testing forever!
Great link. You get it. It always worries me how little is actually understood about food in the US today.
My husband and I frequently travel to France and I cook foods from the markets, as well as the local butcher, wine guy, etc. I have a lot better glucose readings when there and I truly believe it has to do with all the junk that is put into our food to preserve it, make it taste better, and make the public think it is better for them.
I hate to eat out anymore. It is just impossible to know what is in the food.
Thank you for posting this. I recently switched to a Vegan diet and I am very excited about trying new recipes. Agave also works for me. I try to find brands that only have around 4-5 grams of carbohydrate and, of course, I use is sparingly. I hope in the future we (interested members) can have a larger discussion of how to manage diabetes on a vegetarian/vegan diet. I'm all about sharing recipes and will post when I have something yummy in mind.
I have had great success with Agave. I use it in recipes as a sweet substitute. It's not perfect but I like it much better than sugar, and I have found that is does not cause my blood sugar to rise as dramatically as refined sugar.
The only thing I have found that does not cause your blood sugar to rise is Stevia. You can grow your own and use the dried leaves. You don't get that licorice or anise after taste with the leaves.
Just read your blog. So happy to have this as a reference - thank you! Have you used nutritional yeast? I hear it is a healthy cheese option and is a good source of B12.
Oh, and for those who don't like Agave, I have read that Molasses is a good sweet alternative. It still should be treated as sugar and will cause your blood sugar to rise. Just not the same way refined sugar does. It is another low-glycemic index choice!
Hi Carol - thanks for the comments! The funny thing is, avoiding dairy isnt very difficult for me because I despise cheese. I know, I am rare and people look at me funny, but really cant stand the taste :/ So, I am not really trying to find a replacement, haha. I will remember to post vegan options when I come across them, but I unfortunately am not vegetarian.