Biking for Tour de Cure 2011: My Family

My sister Valerie decided to bike in the 2011 ADA Tour de Cure. She challenged her friends to donate & said she’d ride the entire 60 mile route if she hit $1000. Well, they donated & she’s riding! Samantha decided to join her, now that she can’t play softball. Even with a cast on her right hand, she can ride a bike, so Sam is committed to 40 miles. This is happening May 21 in Louisville. My husband says he needs to ride with Sam to keep an eye on her, but I think he’s the one who will need help :slight_smile:

I am proud of them for choosing this event & working for the ADA.

I’ve had comments before from people who don’t support the ADA & that’s not what this is about. It’s about my daughter & my family trying to do something positive while we’re still struggling with Sam’s diagnosis. It’s wonderful that they have a goal and they’re working together on this project. That’s how we’ll get through every day.

If you’re interested, click their team link here