

Sometimes you meet the coolest people in the Diabetic Online Community. I recently met Jenn and we stuck up a fun conversation. Jenn blogs at: http://sweetzoo.blogspot.com/ and I hope you drop by her site and look in on her musings. The blog is not overblown and perhaps best of all she maintains a wonderful list of other bloggers in the Diabetic Online Community (DOC). Jenn is a wonderful person with a great sense of humor and I am thrilled to call her my friend.

I met Jenn at the weekly Wednesday evening chat hosted by Diabetes Social Media Advocacy (#DSMA). It occurs at 9 PM Eastern on Wednesday evenings. At any rate who knows why we thought each other funny but somewhere along the way we made each other laugh. One day in the midst of mindless chatter Jenn said she was starting or ending a crochet project and I said what I have always said when I hear someone talk about crochet, “Hey I want a 10 foot long blanket”.

Jenn wondered why anyone would want a 10 foot long blanket and I told her I have always been frustrated when I get these 6 foot long blankets because as a tall person they do not cover my feet and still get up too or over my head. It has been a constant refrain of mine for many years.

I have over the years asked the incredible crafts people to crochet me a 10 foot long blanket. Regardless who I ask, and maybe the way I have asked (most people thought I was teasing when I asked) no one has ever taken up the challenge. Jenn asked if I was serious and I said you bet and as time went on she took up the challenge, I agreed to make a small payment for materials and the sprint to a new blanket was on.

As our conversations progressed I proposed and she accepted the use of the hashtag #BlankieBoy for our twitter discussions. As it turns out my joke is actually a hashtag for others on Twitter. As it turns out there were others using the hashtag and there are some funny and awesome pictures of #blankieboy ‘s. Here are a two pictures of the same kid, same blanket but several years apart.

Since I am now officially the newest twitter #blankieboy I want to bring you the official unveiling of the world’s greatest blankie. The much anticipated blankie arrived yesterday February 5, 2015 and as you will see I have had it out for some test spins already. The awesome blankie is at least 10 feet long (I think it is longer) a perfect four feet wide and is made in magnificent fall colors. It is a stunning blankie and is more than I could have even imagined. The first thing to know is that Jenn did this out of the kindness of heart, which is fairly typical of most of the DOC. Also you should know that the blankie is very special to me and will be a treasured part of our household forever. Now do not go hit up Jenn for crochet projects. I think she might harm #blankieboy if I send dozens of requests her way.

So without further ado here are pictures of #blankieboy curled up and enjoying his prize. In addition there is a video of #blankieboy opening his blankie prize (go ahead and press play it works I promise). These pictures and video are courtesy of Mrs. #blankieboy who sometimes finds humor in her silly husband but who mostly shakes her head and expresses the idea that it is good when little boys amuse themselves, even if they are not amusing.

2015-02-05 11.51.43 from rick phillips on Vimeo.




LOL Kathy, it is an awesome Blankie. LOL Rick

It was such a fun blanket to make. I have quite a few grey scale pictures of it on my phone because I wanted the full colour scheme remained a surprise. Rick was right, it is a bit longer than 10 feet, but it’s also wider than 4 feet. When I did the final measurement it was 11 feet long and 5 foot 2 inches wide. The perfect size, if you ask me, especially for someone as wonderful as BlankieBoy. Enjoy your blankie! hugs

Thanks Jenn it is a great Blankie



Jenn is so great. And I love love love this!!!!!! :)

Jenn, this is beautiful! I love the colors!! Perfect for #blankieboy! :)