Pizza and Chinese food seem to spread over 8 hours for me.
This is why I consider them “too difficult to bother” foods
Thanks @Murray1 I use an extended bolus (OmniPod term) for pizza too! I find it interesting that it works for others for spaghetti. The next time I partake in such a meal, I’m definitely give it a try!
@Timothy, yes, but for me, sometimes pizza or Chinese food are worth the bother, other times, not so much so!
Who is recommending 0 insulin up front? Not me.
@Murray1 recommended 0 insulin up front.
It is an option which works for them; I’m doubtful it would work for me. I should try it first though, before I use a stronger word than doubtful.
I am a Poder too. My 5 years are up and I have to decide which way to go. My endocrinologist what me to go the Medtronic 670 for the closed loop. I was on a tubed pump before and I don’t want to go back. I have just started the Dexcom G6 in preparation when Omnipod Horizon will have a loop function with the G6 and soon G7. FDA are supposed to approve it in the next month or 2. Lucky you, I am in Canada and told Health Canada is behind approval 1 1/2 to 2 years.
The pizza bolus works most of the time but it is easy to get a good carb count on the big chain store pizzas. My pasta bolus works because I weigh the pasta and obviously my nutritional scale has a very close carb measurement. I also pre bolus. I have found 20 minutes before I eat does best at preventing the spikes. My diabetic centre recommends keeping the increase no more than 3 mmol/L above the pre meal BG. The new target we are encouraged to aim for is time in range, something that is easy to follow with a CGM. An A1c doesn’t give a accurate picture of your BG control.
I am 65 years old and I have had type 1 diabetes for 5 years. My husband is Italian and he is a fantastic cook. We eat pasta often - typically 4 times per week. Since I developed diabetes, I am careful to measure how much pasta. I never eat more than 1 cup and I typically dose for 40 carbs per cup. I am careful that my entire meal IS NOT PASTA. A typical meal would be 1 cup pasta, baked chicken, and broccoli in addition to a salad and possibly a small bowl of fruit (1/2 pear, some strawberries or raspberries). I don’t use the extended feature in this case.
I find the extended more helpful if I eat pizza or rice or if I eat out when I decide to have a dessert with unknown carb amounts.