Bringing down a blood sugar that is in the 300s

No need to apologize, we’re all in the same boat and here to help. Since I’ve gotten my cgm I have really learned a ton about my sugar levels. My need for insulin drops 25% by just walking 2 miles/day. Exercise plays a huge role in controlling high sugars, at least for me.

It depends on what kind of food I ate,what my physical activity is like, what time of the month it is (hormones and menzies equals a big rollercoaster ride for insulin sensitivity/resistance), etc. But generally speaking, I can usually count on my blg’s dropping within an hour or so, and being in a good range within 2 to 3 hours of taking a correction bolus.

When I use to take insulin shots it would take about 30 minutes to start seeing a drop in my sugar, and to get it to normal it would take about 2 hours. Now on my pump, I don’t get sugar readings that high, but it typically take 20 minutes to get back in the normal range from a blood sugar of 200.