Bummed out and concerned

I in my second pregnancy with diabetes and just got out of my 2nd growth scan. My maternal
Fetal medicine Doctor is really great and he tells me the baby looks really healthy but he wants to see what happens next month because the baby is measuring slightly above average.

This just bums me out because my first pregnancy was identical twins and I was worried about them growing and they were born healthy and now I am worried about this baby growing too fast. My A1C when I went to my first OB appointment was 6.2 and they are checking that again soon. I spend so much time hanging out low for fear of growing too big of a baby and it has been this way since the beginning.

Any advice or pep talks greatly appreciated.

Well … this subject is way outta my league, but from your description, I would focus on:

(emphasis mine)


It sounds like you might need some help in the getting out of the lows and into the safety of a bit higher, but not too high BG range. Sorry for stating the obvious. How are you managing your meals and boluses and basal rates now? Are there some areas that you think you could tweak a bit to help get you up a bit?

Lol thanks for trying to help! The first tri I expected insulin sensitivity however it lasted a LONG time compared to when I had my twins. I had a week or two of sensitivity and then jumped right into resistance. So it was mostly my fault because I kept waiting for the resistance to hit me. Lows are not bad I just wake up low but it doesn’t bother me because I aim to keep tighter numbers overnight.

I do not pre bolus as much because I will forget to eat because my now 2 year old twins.

Insanity is hereditary; you get it from your kids!

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Sterility is hereditary as well. If your parents didn’t have kids, you can’t either.

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Hi @KellyRara,
First of all, congratulations! Being a diabetic and pregnant is harder work than just being pregnant. I must say, let us ladies who are pregnant and diabetic give ourselves a huge pat on the back! Woohoo! We are warriors! Regular pregnant women don’t even compare to us. :smile:
I am in my 2nd T1 pregnancy, 4th child. I had 2 kids nondiabetic.
For my diabetic pregnancies, my first one, my alc was 5.7, 5.9 and my daughter still had a slightly larger abdomen which is common for diabetic pregnancies. By the way, doctor thought she was going to be 8.0-8.5lbs and she came out 7lbs 7oz. So much for ultrasound science! ha! I was so frustrated because I was killing myself at working so hard to keep my BGs perfect. Then, with this pregnancy, baby gender unknown on purpose, my alc started out at 7.0 and I got it down to 5.9. Baby is right on target. I don’t know what the heck I did, if even I did anything. I tell you, its frustrating this diabetic pregnancy business!
You are doing a fantastic job and keep it up! :wink:
I attend a diabetic clinic at a large university hospital in my city. My obgyn’s are studying the link between newborn weight and genetics vs environmental effects. Not all babies born to diabetics are large, by large I mean 9lbs +. 7-8lbs is still in the upper normal range. Not all diabetic pregnancies produce large babies due to high blood sugar, genetics have a huge part to placy that doctors are still trying to figure out.
Don’t let those doctors make you feel bad. Your alc is a good number. You are working hard, so keep it up! My doctors were giving me major guilt trips about my last pregnancy compared to this one. “Your numbers were so much better in your last pregnancy, why can’t you…” blah, blah, blah. Every pregnancy is different, heck every baby from the same mother is different. I determined to nicely and assertively fight back with my education and numbers to prove I was doing just fine and to stop discouraging me so much. Makes me want to become a high risk obgyn just so I can be a shining beacon of hope to pregnant diabetics because I’ve been there, done that! :blush:
Keep up the good work!


I also want to say that I’m taking care of 3 kids the age of 5 and under. Yes I chose this and I don’t regret it. I’m a very hard worker and a strong person. Even the strongest of people have difficulties with what we have. Its that I have to try to figure out what works best for me in managing my diabetes during this time. I think i’ve gotten a very good system down but sometimes I still mess up.
I feel as though I should share that it is far more difficult taking care of children, being pregnant and managing diabetes. My biggest struggle for this pregnancy (4th and final one), is bolusing close enough to meals. @KellyRara, you mentioned you don’t pre-bolus. I usually don’t for the same reasons you mentioned. There is too much risk that you won’t eat if you do pre-bolus and then well, you could pass out and your twins wouldn’t eat either. :wink: I totally get it.
So what happens to me is I check myself before a meal and I’m right in range, 85-110, I eat and then I get so busy I forget to bolus. Leaves so much explaining involved when I talk to my doctors. I’ve gotten better at bolusing quickly after starting a meal. If i’m low to begin with, I feel like i need to wait until my BG rises a little before bolusing. So i can feel normal again from a really bad low.
Can I be totally transparent for a moment? Many times, I choose my children and husbands care over my diabetes. If I wasn’t diabetic, it wouldn’t be so much of a problem because I take darn good care of myself. In those small moments, when I need to check my BG after a meal and input it in my pump, when I need to check my BG because I feel really sleepy and tired- I know my BG is high, I don’t sometimes because my kids are hungry and need to eat, my husband needs my help getting ready for work, my daughter needs her diaper changed, etc, etc I have gotten better at voicing my needs to my family, even my children. Hey guys, mommy has low blood sugar, I need juice and a moment to sit down. My 2 year old loves my glucose meter and already knows how to say blood sugar. :blush: cracks me up to no end. I guess what I’m saying is that I totally understand the juggling act. You have to find the right rhythm that works for you so that you do find balance. There are times where everything feels out of balance but for the most part, balance can be achieved. I had to learn to be more assertive with my family and communicating my needs to my husband and sharing with my kids no matter how young. Sorry for the extra rant, felt you might need another pregnant lady to commiserate with.


Just want to give an update. I have had a few more growth scans and I’m told that the baby is growing perfectly and is not too large for gestational age! I had my 34 week growth scan today and he is 5 pounds 6 ounces. Makes me really happy and less to worry about in the final weeks.

So glad to hear it! This is great news. Thank you for sharing.

I’m at 34 weeks now and I had a growth scan last week. My baby is 5.4 lbs @ 33 weeks this is a little big.
My fluid level is also pretty high, 21/25. They think thats why I’m measuring larger than normal.
All my NSTs are normal and everything is good, so the doctors say they will let me go into labor naturally. Although, they project my baby to be 8-8.5lbs. We shall see. They said that with my last one and she was 7lbs 7oz.

Best wishes,


My husband was hoping I would get induced at 38 weeks because that would make his birthday on the leap year haha. They will let me go as far as 39 weeks which I am fine with because it is so stressful worrying about your BG every moment of the day.