Can I donate my blood?

I did like the last season- though it would have worked better over twenty episodes rather than thirteen. They were willing to spend just enough money to get to 100 episodes (syndication nirvana).

The last scene was great, when he opened the envelope and Walter had sent him the drawing of a tulip (that Peter Weller’s character had sent Walter so long ago as a message of hope). Then Peter had this look like he actually KNEW what had happened to Walter.

The pop culture references were what blew me away. In “Entrada,” Alternate Broyles walks into a bar and I hear what sounds like John Lennon singing Roy Orbison’s last hit, “You Got It” as a ballad. In the alternate universe, all the Beatles were still alive. Anyway, the Beatles’ first #1 single in England was “Please Please Me.” John originally brought it in as a Roy Orbison-style ballad (they toured with him in England) until George Martin said, “why don’t we try it faster?”

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So, after you donating, your BG went up? But why there are also people saying that they can get hypoglycemia so its dangerous?

I switched from Porcine to Bovine insulin when I moved back to the UK in 1980.

It hasn’t affected me one little…



If the Spanish blood centre defers diabetics because they’ve found donors to get hypos, who am I to disagree with their experience? My personal experience is that I go up after giving whole blood, but that’s a sample size of one; maybe I’m an outlier? The rise in my BG after a whole blood donation is very reliable - for me.

I salute you for considering donating blood!