
Over here in sweden they dont really tell you to cut down on carbs, do the doctors tell you that in the united states?

Hello Dolores, Yes, cutting carbs seems to be key. Newly diaganosed here but have cut carbs to between 30-40 per meal. My blood sugars were never crazy high but above the 140 mark. Cutting carbs has lowered them to pre-meal readings to under 100 and post meal to around 120. There are loads of websites that will give you carb values for food. The carb restriction has brought about a welcome weight loss as well. My only problem is pizza and chinese food are loaded with carbs…grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… good luck.

Hi Dolores,

My husband is a Swede and I lived there for awhile with him before I dragged him back to the States. We love it here in Seattle but, I do miss Sweden at times.

I think it depends on the doctor here. Doctors who have been practicing for awhile and apparently have not kept up with the times seem to do the ADA low fat/high carb diet.

The younger doctors, that I have been to, have advised me to cut out the carbs.

Sweden is the first country to officially recognize low carb dieting thanks to a wonderful pioneer Doktor Dahlqvist. Check out her blog. There is a page about her diet in English for anyone who doesn’t speak Swedish.
