Mine are very ping pongy - I use the Dexcom - and have learned that i very rarely stay in a 20mg range for more than one hour - i am almost always going up or down(except over night). When I look at the 9 hour graph - it appears to spike dramatically - even if i stay with my range - 90-160.
Just wondering if this is the norm or if any of you have nice rounded lines in your 9 or 24 hour(MM) trends.
I have found the same about Novolog—didnt they market both humolog and novolog to say you could take it when you eat? i find that the difference in taking a bolus/shot (I pump) 15-20 minutes prior to eating makes a giant improvement in my post meal spikes…and if i dont wait to eat, i often have to correct, 2 hours later with more insulin.
I’m not pumping but I tested a lot when I started on Novolog and found that it starts to work about 20-25 minutes after I inject. If I don’t wait to eat, I go very high.
Mine tends to look like one of those kiddie roller coasters you see at the county fairs (little up and down bumps). This is in contrast to the big roller coasters at the theme parks, which is what it looked like when I first started CGM.
Here’s a sample from a couple days ago. I’m not always this disciplined, but this is fairly typical now that I’ve climbed the learning curve.
My trends are looking good. I did have one problem. I bolas for some food and then changed my infusion set and filled my reservoir. My sugars went up. I was just thinking it was because I didn’t bolas correctly, Well it kept going up 4 hours later, I kept on correcting and I saw no change, I looked at the tube saw a bubble, I fixed that and my sugars were still going up 400. I then looked at my infusion set and it never got in. But I was still glad I had the senor,
My two week trend looks great. My ave was 131 but my infusion set came out and I had a bubble. I saw the bubble first and I then I noticed the infusion set was not in, I was high for 4 hours. My last a1c was 9 so I am happy.
Your graph looks very much like that of a normal person. If you haven’t seen it already, check out this audio/slide presentation about CGMS data from a bunch of normal people.
Up until now we’ve just had the word of various authorities for what is normal none of it drawn from CGMS studies, so it is wonderful to have actual data!
It’s struck me lately reading the CMGS blogs how diabetes is the perfect Engineer’s disease. It’s not accidental that so many of us who are active in the online diabetes community are from engineering/IT backgrounds. It’s one of the very few diseases you can debug. If you have to have something chronic, this is the one to have!