My bad. In these 8 years I was mostly seen by my PCP. But due to an insurance change I made two years ago I was finally referred to an endocrinologist. I meant to say that in the above message. You are right about PCPs not being willing to do so. So out of 8 years I have only been seen by a specialist for two. So I am finally on a track that is going well for me. And while I know that everyone has a different standard for what their A1C should be, and this is not intended to guilt trip anyone, I do want to share the results of my blood work yesterday. A grand 6.9 A1C. My endo is happy with a 7. But I personally want it lower. Also an extra note about when I was diagnosed that I forgot to mention, my A1C was an insane 18.3. I was on my way to an early grave.
I have always wondered about a diabetes educator but I have never had one. Will look into that. And the livestream. Thanks for the info.
I shared my story in the feed Apocalyptic question - #26 by Jup30