Comparing the Omnipod to the Animas Ping

Sorry to get back so late.

Yeah, I know people have said that having a tubed pump isn't really a hassle and I have to respect their experience, but never having had a tubed pump, I can't imagine the kind of adjustment it would take to get usedto being tethered. Ssems like having to deal with bubbles in the tubes is not what I would call "something you get used to.

The post-pod change highs are a challenege. I do believe it has something to do with the priming process and having enough basal insulin being delievered when the pod is newly applied. I'm not sure though. It only happens some of rhe changes for me. As a general rule, I do give myself a smallish bolus whne the new pod goes on, regardless of my BG level.

Interesting, FHS! Of course I'm missing my basal whenever I'm doing a set change, but it's such a little bit (10 minutes?) that I don't bother covering for it. I've never heard of a post-change spike with a tubed pump.

I had exactly the same thoughts as you when I first got my pump. Geez, how will it be always tethered to a tube!! But for some strange reason, I had no adjustment. I just stick it in my pocket and it's a no-brainer. Maybe I'm lucky, but I never had the culture shock I expected.