Yesterday I took a pregnancy test, not thinking I was but did it just to clear my mind. The test came back positive. My levels arent really undercontrol. My last A1C was 7.4 and I have an appoitment to get checked again in mid March. I am just concerned because if I was planning to become pregnant I would want my sugars to be well undercontrol. Any advice or thoughts on what the next step should be? Or has this happend to anyone else? PLEASE let me know! Thanks!
The body is pretty resilient. I would focus on getting your A1C lower at this point. I had an unplanned pregnancy and everything turned out fine. I know this is easier said than done but if you stress out over your levels being high then it is just going to make things worse. There were a lot of things that could have went wrong with my daughter due to basically no pre-natal care because I was told I couldn't get pregnant and then I found out when I was 7 months along. And we are celebrating her 3rd birthday this weekend. Just focus on getting tighter control and listen to your doctors. It isn't as scarey as some make it out to be. The main issue with diabetics having baby is the baby's lungs aren't mature, diabetics have bigger babies, and the babies can have blood sugar issues right after birth, but the doctors are prepared for all that.
i took a preg test last month also my a1c was at 6.5 and this month it went up to 7.2 i changed my diet and way of eating and they gave me 2 different insulins..
how much did ur baby weigh?
LOTS of people on here have talked about getting pregnant with a MUCH higher A1c. What matters most is that you get it under control now. My endo didn't even use A1c tests to track my progress during pregnancy, she used fructosamine tests (same purpose as an A1c, but it told her what my average for the past two or three weeks was instead of the past two or three months). Even though I was "under control" with an A1c of 6.5 when I got pregnant, that wasn't good enough for during pregnancy. My OB told me to get under a 6. It's what you do now that matters.
And actually, though I had a good A1c just before pregnancy, my blood sugar was AWFUL between conception and my first positive test! Lots of 200s. :( Xander turned out JUST fine. He was called a "big baby," being born at 8 pounds 10 ounces, but that's not an unusual weight even for a baby born to a woman without D.
By the way, I found that keeping my blood sugar at good levels was much less about "being good" and much more about figuring out what my body could and couldn't handle. Like I can normally eat reasonable amounts of brown rice without unreasonable blood sugar spikes, but I ended up having to give up rice entirely during pregnancy!!! It's going to be trial and error, and you can't beat yourself up for every high. Just correct, figure out what caused it so you can avoid that, and move on.
You and your baby are going to be GREAT!!!!
She was 4.5 lbs. She spent 6 days in nicu.
CALL YOUR ENDOCRINOLOGIST NOW AND GET YOUR APPOINTMENT MOVED UP. Tell them you are unexpectedly pregnant. They will fit you in.
High A1c's in early pregnancy lead to a higher risk of miscarriage an birth defects. Your endo doesn't want that any more than you do. And they will help you get your numbers in check! We can't give you ore specific advice without knowing if you're T1 or T2, on insulin or not, etc.
You can do this!
Oh yes, I agree about calling your endo. When I called mine and left a message, the nurse called me back within an hour to give me new target BG numbers from my endo and they set up for an appointment the next week... then had an appointment with her every two weeks after that! A lot of those early appointments weren't "real appointment slots." They squeezed me in wherever necessary because, as my endo put it, "This is just too important."
Thank you for the great advice and help! I guess its just scary because I want to be so healthy for the baby. I also know sometimes when I get a spike in my bloodsugar I dont always understand why? I feel at times its not because of something I ate or whatever. Just frustrating! And Kestrel- I am type 1, on Novolog & Lantus pen.
I will def call my Endo!
Quick question: (may be a funny one...) but since I am on shots, is it ok to do them on the side of your belly? I have always done them there because they seem less painful. I am just wondering if its still ok now...?
I put my infusion sites on my belly, for convenience, for as long as I could. My endo had no problem with it. Your fat tissue on your belly does stretch out, though! Eventually, I had to start using my hip and butt for the infusion sites. (I reserved what little fatty "real estate" I had left on my belly for my CGM sensor, since I've never had any luck using it on other parts of my body.)
Regarding the mystery highs, yeah, those don't go away during pregnancy. :( In fact, they got worse for me in early pregnancy. Myst be the hormones. My endo said that if I got my blood sugar back down quickly, she really wasn't too concerned about the occasional high.
You might find that your OB doesn't "get it" though. Mine didn't. My OB works with diabetic mothers pretty often, but she seemed to think that blood sugar should always "makes sense!" So not true for a type 1! It throws unexpected curve balls at us all the time!
My ob was awesome. He let me dictate everything regarding my diabetes, even down to what I wanted iv wise on hand in the delivery room. Never once second guessed my decisions because my A1C was 5 during me entire pregnancy.
My A1C with my son was 8.0. I brought it down to 7.0 and it ran like that throughout the entire pregnancy. My son has nothing wrong. I wouldn't have delivered him at 34 weeks and 1 day if my pre-eclampsia wouldn't have went to severe in a 2 week period.
You can still inject in your belly. I asked my endo, and he said it didn’t matter. I use a pump, and stopped putting the infusion sites on my belly because they stopped staying in…!
You will definitely get some random highs and lows. Occasional ones won’t hurt your baby. For me, two big pieces of info helped:
non-diabetic pregnant women run in the 50s-60s in between meals. I stopped correcting anything above 60 unless I was about to go do something active. Endo agreed.
get your fasting numbs under control. Your endo, if she’s good, will want you under 99. I aim for 70-85. You buy hours of good blood sugar that way. But it’s harder to achieve on MDI.
Oh, wait, I wanna add one more thing. They will tell you to expect lows at first. In my experience, and seemingly the experience of a lot of other women on this board, that wasn’t QUITE true. The lows didn’t start until 8 or 9 weeks or so. Before then, I had an immediate increase in my basal needs.