My shoulder has hurt for a long time and yesterday I went and had a cortisone injection. Later that day I began to feel really awful but I didn’t know what was wrong. Finally I figured it had affected my blood sugar. I should have left work but I didn’t. When I got home I tested and my BG was 220 without eating anything. It kept bouncing around all night between 140 and 220 and I didn’t sleep at all. Today I still feel awful but morning BG was 114 and I still haven’t eaten anything today. I don’t take medicine so I didn’t know what else I could do. I think I will eat only protein and salad today.
Over my 53 years as a type 1, I’ve had numerous cortizone shots. Some were related to diabetes and some weren’t. I don’t recall, however, any reactions that affected my BG. These are the kind of things about which I would consult with my endo. That’s why he/she gets the big bucks. ;^)
Hey Carol! Cortisone shots should raise your blood sugar… The shots are really hormone shots (of cortisol) which is one of the bodies stress hormones. Aside from being very anti-inflammatory, they also raise blood sugar, sometimes substantially. The jump up to 220 that you experienced is probably because of gluconeogenesis (the body making sugar out of protein and other components) and might explain the hike up even though you hadn’t eaten anything. I’d suggest monitoring your blood sugar carefully and calling your endo to see if he could recommend a temporary basal increase for you to try to offset the effects.
Good Luck!
I’m surprised the doctor administering the cortisone injection did not warn you of this. This trend towards hyperglycemia could last a few days for you.
What is your actual shoulder problem, Carol? Not frozen shoulder, is it?
I had frozen shoulder in my left shoulder for about a year to 18 months before I went to see my GP (general practitioner). I had physiotherapy to start with, but it had got to the stage where I had to undergo arthroscopic surgery last autumn. I’ve since regained significant movement, but it’s far from perfect. Now the right shoulder is starting to go.
Apparently diabetics are more prone to frozen shoulder, but this condition, as far as I know, is not classified as a diabetes-related complication.
No it is bursitis – not frozen yet, but lots of burning pain.
I didn’t tell him about the diabetes (of course) Carol
My fault. I went to the orthopedic doctor and didn’t tell him about the diatetes since I don’t take medication and I didn’t know the shot would do that. I’ll tell him when I go back in case I need another shot. Shoulder feels better anyway. Carol
When I eventually went to my GP with my frozen left shoulder he did tell me that these injections were a possible treatment option but he didn’t want to do them because of their impact on BGs. Hence the decision to let me undergo surgery after physiotherapy proved ineffective.