Cortisone Shots

Yesterday, I had a cortisone shot on my hip socket to treat pain in my hip. Anyway, the shot is working fine as far as the hip is concerned, but my sugars became so elevated that I had to get up 2X during the night to inject myself. I know that prednisone/cortisone, causes the sugars to be elevated, but I did not think that injected in the hip would do the same.

My question is, has anyone had similar responses to cortisone (not oral, injected)?

Thanks in advance for your responses.

Yes, I had a similar experience after a cortisone injection into my shoulder. What you describe is completely normal.

Yep, same here. It took close to a week to start dropping. I have never been as scared of this disease as that week. If felt completely out of control. My doc had said something about a % change for 3-4 days. Maybe someone remembers the normal % change in sugars. It would be a starting point for corrections. Good luck and doesn’t your hip feel great!

Yes, and my insulin needs always just about double when I’m on steroids - oral or injected really makes no difference, it’s still in your system and will effect your BG without extra insulin, and the effect usually lasts quite a while afterwards too.

Kerri Spalding blogged about her experience recently…