Ive been on a pump for over 15 years! the medtronic 780g. unfortunatly, the costs for my supplies have increased signically!! its getting out of my finacial range and would really hate to get off of insulin pump theraphy! My endocronologist doesnt recommend it!! Im aware these are expesive but trying to find one least expesive!! I wad looking at the tslim or omnipod? would these be a little cheaper? I do have commercial insurance (horizon bcbs) any advice or recommedation would truly appreciated!!
MN just passed this law. Maybe we could push it thru in other states. I didn’t even know about it. Someone on the forum found it. It’s glorious.
In general, MT is the cheapest.
Omnipod 5 is the Insulet version of the 780G.
Omnipod is covered under pharmacy benefit now, meaning that I can (hypothetically) go to Walgreens to buy it. Dexcom sensors are the same way. That made things cheaper. It’s cheaper to buy thru the pharmacy than it is through a distributor.
What State are you in? Lets try asking the pharmacists and see if they respond. Lets run a test and see if they respond. They have a secret internet forum like us diabetics do. https://www.truthrx.org/forum?feedType=all-posts
I’m gonna make an account and ask them this question. Might take a couple days to get access.
Is your copay, maybe also called coinsurance for pump supplies a percentage? If so shop the other in network DME providers for a cheaper price.
Welcome to the community, @Deliboy!
It’s not really a question of cost from the manufacturer as coverage from the insurer. Some are obviously better than others about this stuff. Within a given insurer they’re all going to end up about the same, with the possible exception of Omnipod. In that case some coverers are treating pods as pharmaceutical items rather than DME, and that can make a significant difference.
I have a different insurer than you - you have to call your insurer to ask questions about how much things cost.
But, just to give you a benchmark, I paid around $300 for a three month supply of Omnipod pods last year (before deductible, that’s 80% of the total cost) at Walgreens through pharmacy benefit.