Cut the Crap: Why does protein raise my blood sugar?

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A lot of people will dose correctly for their meal, based on carbs but they will still miss the dose and end up high. Why is that? Blood sugar is based only on carbs right? No. In non-diabetics this is a moot-point, your pancreas is fully functional and covers this, but if you’re going into medicine you will still need to know this because a significant number of your patients will be diabetic…

Thanks for the deep info in the midst of school craziness! Now I need to take time to read it all. My endo is one that says just do carbs and I have a hard enough time just with that. But I still want the knowledge. Thanks again.

Thank Nell. Any questions feel free to ask. It’s a pretty complicated system (, and I attempted to skim the surface to give a basic understanding of why. Thanks for reading.


Any questions? None at all?

Interesting info, thanks for the post. Do you have any ideas for good books or websites for people who want to gain some basic understanding of this stuff?

Great post SuFu, thanks. My CDE says not to bother with less than 8 oz of a protein (steak, whatever), but I find that a combo bolus for anything 10g or more works best for me. I guess, once again, that we’re all different.

SuFuPhD- are you still part of this T-1 community conversation? If so, I’d like to read your blogs, but when I click the link, it says I need to be invited to read them. Thanks, Sarah, 42 yrs with T-1

You can find related info here

Each person is different, and can vary based on amount and kind of protein. I find higher fat meals require more insulin too, and use 2nd bolus or extended bolus for added insulin.

This article discusses the need to better provide prescriptions for dosing based on fat as well…

Thee final paragraph, with prior sections devoted to effects of protein consumption:

In conclusion, optimal postprandial glycemia depends on matching insulin to the entire meal composition. The findings presented here have implications for clinical practice: insulin is required for dietary fat, with the dose adjustment dependent on the quantity of fat and individual sensitivity. A starting point for adjusting insulin based on differing amounts of fat is recommended, which requires tailoring to the individual. It will be important for future meal algorithms to adapt over a period of time to improve performance with respect to each individual’s glycemic response. Ongoing research is needed to elucidate the implementation of routine fat and protein dosing into clinical practice.

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Tried to read this but I keep getting the message “permission denied.”

This is the link to a PDF version

