Diabetes Now & Then: A Mother Advocates To Change Laws

In our newest Discuss Diabetes post, I was thrilled to interview Crystal Jackson of the American Diabetes Association – one of the most inspiring people advocating for children with diabetes’ rights in schools. In part one of our interview, we talk about what led her to work for the Association.

Read the post at Discuss Diabetes here.


Laura K.

Interesting story. It is important to remember that all the progress we make, be it for better laws or cure research, is because of people working hard for all these positive changes to come about. If we don't fight for it ourselves, no one will.

Hi Stoyan.

Thanks so much for your comment. I absolutely loved conducting this (two-part) interview, with Crystal, for the reasons you state. Her story is just one inspiring demonstration of what any one of us can accomplish when we put our personal passion, energy and knowledge against a goal that may ultimately benefit many. Be sure to check back tomorrow for part 2 of her incredible story.

Laura K