I’m finally going to lose my job!!! It’s a good thing (i get a retention…maybe not sure yet and a big bad company is going elsewhere) and bad thing (no job). I still have a couple months left, but i’m not sure where in the world i’m going to work next! Is there such thing as a diabetic friendly job? I know i have rights as a diabetic but i’m afraid that i’m might be considered to “high matinence” for some hourly jobs. A strict eating and sleeping schedule as well as testing and treating lows, but whatever job i get i’m sure this will be a struggle. (for example sometimes my boyfriend doesn’t even get a break at the fastfood place he works, i would demand a break of course, but i know it’s hard to do such things when you’re busy at work). Either way i’m going to get a job, i just hope i’ll be able to be diabetic without much of a hassle from management. I will stand my ground, but heck even that can lower you blood sugar!(stress!)
What do you think? Is there a perfect job out there for diabetics? Is there jobs we should stay away from (ex. flying airplanes)? Is it easy or hard to demand things from our job, within our diabetic rights?
haha i would stay away from flying airplanes, that would be bad if you passed out from a low or got confused while low and went the wrong way.
i work in the food industry, probably the hardest job for a diabetic. i deal with it and eat whenever i want to. (although i am my own boss). everyone i work with knows i’m diabetic and understand so they are very kind when i go low to pick up my slack. i do find myself treating lows with regular sodas when busy. it’s quick and works well. then when we get slow, i eat a snack. the constant moving on my feet helps my blood sugar a lot and keeps me thin (i’d be fat if i worked at a desk i swear).
i think the key is to find an understanding boss and understanding co-workers. when you find that i think any job can be executed well…it’s just hard to find that combination. if anyone gives you crap about treating a low, quit, you don’t need that. i once had a boss yell at me for sitting and drinking soda when low and boy did he get a mouthful back from me. it’s funny how he respected me a lot more after that.
I tended to run my blds high because recovering from a hypo took a good 20mins, usually longer. Not recommended that anyone run high blds.I also went low no matter what when my blds were within normal levels at work. Now I stay at home with the children so I am in control of my day.
Domo, sorry about having to look for another job. I hope the next one comes with really great insurance!
Well, my advice would be to keep your mouth shut during an interview. Wait until you start the job before you mention diabetes. Maybe I’m dead wrong (it wouldn’t be the 1st time) but very few people actually understand what diabetes is about and most are quick to come to a quick and ignorant judgment about it. I didn’t tell my manager for a very long time. And then he asked a few really dumb questions that showed how little he understood. I tried to start a short and gentle discussion to enlighten him, but he wasn’t all that interested.
i agree with the interview thing too yvonne!! just break it to them slowly and educate at the same time. most diabetics are healthier than non-diabetics anyway!! go us!!
I work from home for a well-known company. However, due to highly confidential nature I can not post it here. I can’t even post my personal pictures in my profile :(. I can discuss this with you through private messages to see if our training is available in your area. If so it may work for you.
I work in a doctor’s office. It would be nice if it were for an endo…lol. I do medical transcription for two OB docs. They know I am diabetic, but I certainly did not mention it at my interview. If you do not get breaks, which by law depending on how many hours you work, you are entitled to one. You can always run to the rest room to check your BS, and keep hard candy on you if you need something.
I am a web designer for a smallish university in a smallish town in the middle of nowhere. Monday through Friday, with a lighter load during the summer months, four weeks vacation, two weeks sick leave and pretty good insurance. Anything government related should give you pretty stable hours, though the trade off can be lower wages and stifling boredom. Sometimes universities will pay for your education. That’s how I got my masters.
But really the best thing is the boss. I know, its a crap shoot because you never know how that will fly until you get in there. My boss is fantastic!! His attitude is “Do what you need to do and just get the work done.” This means I get to sit behind my computer monitor and test bgs like a fiend all day long and sob like a baby when my bg’s drop low and I watch the Susan Boyle video! Wait, that sounds a little like madness, actually.
Good luck in your search. We spend so much time at work that it affects our quality of life when its not supporting things like one’s health.
Im so sorry that youre going to lose your job. This crisis has been affecting so many. I really hope and pray things will be better soon. Im not sure if theres a perfect job for diabetics. Theres so many factors one should take in consideration aside from health, you know…interest, specialization, travel distance, etc. Even managing your own business sometimes can be stressful and time consuming. We own and manage a diner/restaurant and often we have difficulty eating on time during peak hours. And it does not help if one is in the constant company of food. Duh! However, my husband constantly monitors me and reminds me of my “schedules”. Even our staffs nags me once in awhile. And yes, I employ diabetics. There are three of us in our workplace.
Before that, I worked for Human resources department of a retailing company. I found it more difficult to manage my own time since I do not own it. Doing interviews everytime and having to go overtime. Probably the key there is to find caring and understanding friends in the workplace…
hi domo
i am sorry to hear that about your job,from the stories i could tell you have jolly(eh!!) time explaining diabetes to yuor co’s and boss
i dont exactly know what does it require to be a one but why dont you become a pump trainer or an educator- something you know about…
and i am sure they wont mind you going to test in the rest rom or something…(sorry but i have a wild imagination and i dont know if it well suits you)
or in a local liborary or something that does not require a 60 continuos minutes.
i totally agree with this I worked for a Major Company that is everywhere it starts with a W not gonna mention any names lol but i was in the hospital a few times with dehydration and other things while i worked there and since i was part time after a year you can start getting benefits and they fired me a few months b4 my year cuz they knew i was gonna take the benefits to help me with costs and stuff
I am a hairdresser and most of my clients and all of my coworkers know I am diabetic, if I need to get something to eat, its not a problem, but I usually keep a few candies in my drawer at my station, it has never been a problem so far, I take my breaks when I need them. Some if the girls dont like blood though, so it freaks them out when I test, but no more shots, on pump now
Maybe a “call center” job might work out pretty well. That is what I am trying to get. I was a caregiver for the elderly and I cleaned houses as well…that was a nightmare for my bloodsugars! good luck.
I think any kind of computer work would be great. We have had many diabetics working in our department (most Type 2). We did have one Type 1 who would inject, if necessary, through his pants right in the room and nobody ever mentioned anything. Lows, I’m sure, were treated, but not announced, i.e., you can eat small snacks, you can always drink and no problems taking a quick restroom break. Because of the economy, I agree, I would not mention it until after I had been at the job a few months. I would also underplay, basically mentioning what steps management could take in an emergency only. Any job that allows quick breaks at any time would work.