Did you ever pass out from a low?

I read the discussions and found some discussions on seizures but not passing out so I was curious if people here did.

So did you ever pass out from a low? Did you have a seizure before passing out? If you passed out, did someone take your BG levels? What was your BG level?

My son had no passing out experience (no seizure either, wish it will stay that way), we had one reading where his meter said “LO” and tried it again and said “LO” again and he was still standing. I don’t know how low that was (OneTouch UltraSmart meter) but I couldn’t believe he was still awake! (20 min after covering his low, he was at 40).

Thanks for sharing!

I believe the one touch ultra II reads lo if you are less than 1.1mmolThe meter might fluctuate a little.I went into a few comas over a period of 10 years.I would sometimes convulse and I would fight of medical people or whoever tried to rescue me.It is very scary waking up in a place where you have no recollection of being.I was very fortunate though.I was found by someone every time it happened.The last time I was in a coma was 12 years ago.

I’ve been in the high 20’s once, and the 30’s a few times, but have always recognized it myself. Thankfully I’ve never passed out or seizured. I wear the Dex now, and rarely drop down very low.

I have had diabetes for 24 years, I can’t count the times I have passed out, or have been in a coma. I have had a low of 23 and was still able to talk to my kids and let them know I needed sugar. I have lows very often, I don’t realize I am going low, until it’s to late. My hubby is a captain for our city’s fire dept. So I’m very lucky that he is usually home when I go really low. I have seizures, and after I am back in the real world I shake for hours after. We usually don’t get a BG until he knows I’m coming out of it and by then It’s in the high 20’s

I have never had a seizure but have passed out a couple of times and almost had a auto accident once. My wife tells stories about me that I only remember small parts of or none of but on the ones I do remember lets me know she must not just be telling sotries on me. lol I now am waring the MM CGMS andget notices b/4 I get to low to do sometnhing about it. Last fasting blood work I had the test results came back with a 39 and my one toucj ultra mini test results was 45 still doing ok at that time.
Good luck Andy.

The one time that I’ve passed out from a low was 2 weeks after I was diagnosed. During a family camping trip I had a blood sugar of 50. Instead of getting some carbs in me, I decided to go swiming with my cousins. I got out of the lake feeling very tired and dizzy. I remeber resting against a huge rock and passing out. I was nine at the time but dont remember having a seizure.

I have never passed out either. I had a reading of 20 and I definitely felt low, but did not pass out.

I have heard that seizures are often caused by blood sugar falling too fast and not necessarily by being SO low.

The lowest reading I’ve ever had was when I was 10 or 11 years old, and dropped to 0.9, which I think is 16 in US readings…and I was still standing and able to sort myself out. However, last summer I almost passed out. I was having a bit of a bad day and feeling upset, and because of this I just didn’t feel myself go low…next thing my ears were buzzing, my eyes were completely out of focus, I couldn’t speak and I didn’t have a clue what was happening. It was a really scary experience and I knew I was about to pass out, but luckily my mum managed to sort me out in time.

I have been type 1 diabetic for about 4 years. Ive never passed out or had a seizure. The lowest Ive ever gone was 20 and I definately felt it. For some reason I was just trying to ignore the way I felt because I had just eaten and didnt think it could be low. Hopefully your son will never pass out :slight_smile: Check often!

I have passed out and I have had seizures. I haven’t had one in a long time - since I switched off NPH, but I have passed out. I have woken up in the ER once as well. The problem is that I feel really tired when I am low and before (when on NPH), if my bloodsugar was dropping fast, I wouldn’t feel the regular symptoms of a low and I would just go to sleep. That’s when I have passed out. The passing out always happened before seizing for me. Sorry to tell you. I know you are thinking of your little one.

I have had a few lows. My lowest was 25 as measured by the ambulance crew. I had just shovled a few steps of snow. My wife came home and started to fix lunch. I was tired and sat on the couch. The last thing I remember was her telling me she would let e know whn lunch was ready…BAM! No warning, just all of a sudden I was laying on the couch, all I could see was BLACK, I could hear voices but unable to make sense of them. They started an IV and slowly I was able to process words but still unable to formulate speach and my vision returned. . When I got to ER they were worried about the brown stain on my shirt. I found out later my wife had tried force feeding me chocolate ice cream to no avail.

A few times I was out and about, pulled in to a mcdonals or such. funny thing was I could see numbers and letter but not able to process words and dollars/cents…wierd!

A year ago I switched from NPH & regular to Lantus and Humalog…Muhc much better…


I’ve had both on multiple occasions, but I’ve had T1 for 30 years, and most of those occasions were when I was a kid and management was more rudimentary. Most recently, in October, I passed out, but didn’t have a seizure. My husband was there and checked my BG, and it was 26. I have been in the 20’s without passing out, but by the time I’m that low, I’m pretty out-of-it and marginally able to help myself if I’m able to at all. I had seizures two or three times in my mid-20’s, but I don’t know what my BG’s were those times.

I’ve passed out from lows and have had seizures both before and after passing out. Sometimes I’d pass out and not have a seizure. The lowest I’ve tested myself on a meter was 18 and was able to take care of myself. One time when I passed out at work I came to as I was being wheeled into the ER by the paramedics. I heard one of them say “She’s up to 25” and that’s after they had treated me at my job before loading me into the ambulance. I didn’t think to ask if they tested me when they first got there.

My worst seizures were when I regained consciousness and was coming out of the low. The first time it happened was in the early morning and I woke up freezing and unable to control my body. I’d try to move my arm and it would just fly out in another direction. I’ve fallen out of bed just attempting to move a limb. There’s nothing I could do but wait. Not being able to control my movements was bad but the freezing cold was even worse. After any low where I’ve passed out I would always be freezing for a couple of hours after.

Does your son usually feel his hypos? Did he feel anything when the meter read LO? I’m hypo unaware now which is why I ended up passing out in the first place. I had no idea I was low.

When i hypo i go crazy screaming/punching/bitting it’s awful. I’m new here and i’m aware many others share these reactions to hypo’s and was just wondering if anyone can share thier experiences with me. As i only know one other diabetic, and although my other friends are very supportive they don’t really understand. Thanks.

I have had this with my sons on many occasions and peolpe don’t understand this is all a part of the condition.

I have passed out from a low, and other times I am fully functional. The majority of the time however I have seizures.

I’ve actually knocked out 2 people on separate occasions during hypo’s. Nighttime hypo’s are the worst. Has anyone ever done something really awful during a hypo and not realized they were doing it?

Yes I have passed out with a low and my bG was below 20. I been awakened on a number of occassions with all the lights on in the bedroom and my husband talking to me and asking if I was okay. My husband usually just treats me if he can not get me to wake up when I start being restless or shaky while asleep. I do remember vaguely one day waking up with my 2 German shepherds standing over me in the kitchen… They assisted me in getting into a crawling position and steered me to the refrigerator to get a juice. I believe God was helping me that time. I have diabetic since I was 10 years old and today I am totally unaware when I go low so I have to check my bG’s every 2 hours to stay ahead of the curve. Right now I just checked my bG and found it to be 49 I was able to read and I think I am typing okay but there might be some mistakes in this reply. So this might help you see that sometimes we go low so fast that our body just keeps on going when we should really rest and not get to over-excited. Karen

too many times, once i passed out at school with bloodsugar of 17 with seizures i might add. but ironically today i was 19 and didnt even realize that i was that low. good thing one of my teachers is diabetic so she could tell iwas spacing out from a low bloodsugar.