Discrimination of Type 2 Diabetics?

Dear M Kay

After hanging around here for a while, one gets a good sense of who to selectively tune out. It is really not worth the aggravation. When certain names pop up, I just automatically ‘page down’. Heck, some people are so outstandingly stupid that you can tell by the title of the posting without even clicking on it.

I think there’s a lot of misconceptions about there about diabetes, type 1, type 2, and all the other subtypes out there that seem to exist. What frustrates me the most is that many people don’t understand these distinctions and tend to just assume all “diabetics” are the same.

While there is clearly some characteristics of our “modern” way of life that can bring on type 2 diabetes, there are also a host of underlying genetic factors that cause it to develop. Many people don’t realize that. In addition, many people don’t realize that type 1 is a COMPLETELY different condition when compared to type 2. I really get annoyed when I hear people, including medical researchers, lump all diabetics into the same category.

I’ll admit I’m a Type 1, crashing this topic…but I have a few things to say in response to you Zolar1.

‘If everyone wanted to tackle many of these problems, they should start by becoming healthy, especially their kids.
Skip the fries and no more soft drinks. And of course nothing after 6pm except water. You would be surprised at how fast obesity and other medical problems evaporate in short order.’

I don’t drink soda. I don’t eat fast food. I eat about 1200 net calories a day, and I still can’t shed weight. While I know we’re talking about weight in association with Type 2, I feel I have something in common with SOME Type 2’s in that I want to lose a bit of weight. I’m not obese, I’m not even technically overweight. But based on the way I carry my weight, I’d like to lose 20 lbs… I think you are being extremely ignorant by saying that it’s as simple as cutting out soda and fries and ‘becoming healthy’. There are many things that contribute to weight gain, including other medical conditions, hormonal imbalances (which are not ‘simple’ to fix), etc. For example, much of mine was caused by beginning birth control pills. So what should I do to lose the weight? Go off the pill and run the chance of an unwanted pregnancy? Geeze…to think it’s all about food and ‘getting healthy’ (whatever THAT is supposed to mean) is just SO short-sighted.

You seem to have a problem with big people, and you basically come here telling them ‘how to avoid discrimination’ yet your whole post is one big discriminatory remark! I see condescension in almost everything you said, and it sickens me.

In addition, I have a HUGE problem with you saying ‘Hide your disease and discrimination isn’t a problem.
I can help you with that as well if you don’t know how.’ Why should ANYONE be encouraged to hide a medical problem?! How unbelievably irresponsible! If someone with diabetes has a hypoglycemic attack and NO ONE knows about their diabetes, they are NOT going to get the medical attention and help they need. In addition, hiding diabetes, of any type, is only going to feed into the media and other idiot’s ideas that diabetes is something to be ashamed of. And for many of us who use insulin pumps and CGMs, it’s almost impossible to hide our condition because of these related medical devices.

Oh and what the HECK is a multivitamin going to do for diabetes (of any type?!). I know a lot of diabetics; most take multivitamins. It truly changes nothing in terms of the diabetes.

Dr. Oz is a QUACK. Seriously…how can anyone take him seriously??? When the rest of the medical profession disagrees with someone, I tend to as well. His ‘advice’ has been proven incorrect, wrong, or just plain made-up many times. He takes weird little tidbits of information and stretches them and elaborates on them to give what he THINKS is happening in a situation, with no research or medical proof to back up half of what he says.

Ugh…'There is little or no excuse for anyone to be obese. What you eat and do will determine your body weight.'
This is simply not true! I have a cousin with PCOS. She eats about 1500 cals a day (and she’s not a soda drinker or fast food person AT ALL), she works in a field where she is on her feet 6-7 hours out of her 8 hour shift. She rides a bicycle to work daily. She weighs over 250 lbs. It’s not for lack of exercise or lack of eating right. It’s a medical condition which has been PROVEN to cause weight problems. The only way she ever lost weight was one summer in high school when she starved herself and dropped 60lbs…I don’t think anyone (except maybe quacky Dr. Oz?) would suggest someone starve themself to lose weight…yet that’s the only thing that’s proven to work for her. Saying it’s her fault is ridiculous.

I invite you to watch this video:

We put it together a couple of years ago, around the time that this post went live.

Also, when considering things being still found out about type 2 diabetes, such as this one:
I find it humbling, because there is so much that we don’t know yet.

Good morning folks i have followed this chat with interest. Zola1 hello your AC1 may be good because you have reactive blood sugars and AC1 is not a useful reading in reactive blood sugar. I have reactive blood sugar and my AC1 is 5.3 however is in no way represents my real flux in blood sugar! s As for paleo diet i actually agree on that level it is indeed one of the better diets not just for diabetic people but all in however fiber is also inportant so a balence needs to be applied. I am concerned at the struggle between type1 and 2 MODY missed all together now humans want to be defined and in many ways diabetes defines us as it dictates part of our lives. However we all have a problem we are all here sharing that problem. I suggest we all except the differance but continue to share the common ground without the struggle of weight or not. Many type 2s are actually MODY but not classified also many are 1.5 not classifide so they are called diabetic so lets remove the types and call it diabetes. It is wrong to assume any type is self inflicted humans are just that we all have weakness its inbuilt. Tell me to stop smoking the first thing i do is smoke! Its not wrong but human. Its sad that even on a support group you have forgotton that basic fact. Zola1 you seem to have control of your diabetes but don’t believe for one min you always will. You do not own it nor in truth can you resolve ityou can only live with it and do your best to limit the damage, Thought of the day " LIFE IS A BIG RIVER RELAX AND ENJOY THE RIDE"

There are SO many variables/unknows. It’s come to the point that this issue of descrimination should no longer be posted…it is TOO personal…and has long become a moot point!!!

Linda are you ok? You seem upset. Discrimination is never moot if a community with diabetes is discriminating inside itself then the non diabetic community does the same its only through chat that we learn maybe some views will change and some will grow and go on to teach others. But seriously are you ok?

Sorry for the use of the word “damn”…not about you Claire. But this is NOT going to be resolved as long as people blame it on type 2 being caused by eating too much/the wrong food. It’s NOT about that…there are TOO many pending factors.
Am I OK??? :slight_smile:

I agree regarding food issues i am lean always have been yet i am having more health issues with it than most the Drs say thats because i am lean you go figure? I am on gliptins already with no alternative for me oh metformin too but is it controlled no not really do i eat low GI yes am i currently off work yes because its out of control. I have obese friends and lean friends yet only 3 diabetic friends one lean caused by shift work one was obese and one old age so there you have it i have obese friends who are not even close to being diabetic. In fact my best friend whos sister is type one mother and father got old age diabetes she is obese her blood sugar is amazing and stable perfect. Mine skinny all my life is crap out of control and messing up my life. So i support us all standing together regardless of type we are all at risk of nasty complications. If we stop bickering and attempting one up on each other but instead agree diabetes can be totally dibilitating to some regardless of what they do. Learn about each other and support each other and put type down as a number. So i say no matter what type you are be kind to each other respect each situation listen and support no bragging i am better than you rubbish!

NICE! Thanks for the video Manny. You are inspirational and I appreciate your blog’s, video and approach to the issues of diabetes. Keep up the excellent work. Namaste. Anne

This thread will never die. I think lots of the hard feelings are caused by over generalization. Someone has success loosing weight or getting their sugar under control and they think they’ve discovered ultimate truth. The same thing happens with the carb wars here on TuD.

Linda is right there are a multitude of factors involved in both types diabetes and what works for one is an utter failure for another. There is no one right way to loose weight and there is no one right level of carb consumption. Everyone here needs to tell their stories and offer their advice, but please, leave out the moral judgments, it leads nowhere and helps no one.

I wish i could find the solution to mine i am currently having to sue for discrimination trust me being bullied is no fun it destroys not only my limited control over my illness but my confidence i ended up feeling guilty for having it i couldn’t sleep for fear i wouldn’t be able to control it and need time off. I was treated as though i had a simple cold. It doesn’t matter who is doing the discriminating its cruel and destructive now i got upset. I cant believe just how distressed i felt i have been off work since Feb as i can not cope with being bombarded with put downs and treated like i a poor employee because my health went wrong. Did i or anybody order diabetes i think not. But until we stand up against discrimination like i have to we will be what they think. Its up to us do we hold each other and say in one voice NOT GUILTY or do we stand alone?

omg “I don’t care if other get it” was NOT intended to mean “contract the disease.” It was meant to say “I don’t care if others UNDERSTAND it.” Meaning strangers, or family members that I don’t spend a lot of time with- people who don’t ultimately care about me anyway. Let’s not make this into a battle where there is none.

And thyroid excuses are just that - excuses. You return the thyroid levels to normal with a simple medication. --as stated by Zolar1.

I would like to correct you. I suffered from Hashimoto’s Thyroid Disease for 25 years and when I flaired, it was not unusual to gain 30-40 lbs in a couple months time with no changes to diet or exercise. Your simple medication required constant adjustment and waiting to see if it was working every 6 weeks. It is not as easy as just taking a simple med. It is constant adjusting to find the right level and once you do it can change in a heartbeat. Not until I had my thyroid removed due to thyroid cancer did I even have a chance of getting my thyroid levels stable with consistency. Even at that, it took 2 years to get to the right level and into normal from a hypo range. Only then, did I start losing weight and keeping the weight off. I would suggest that you get your facts straight before you start spouting off your “know it all” attitude. So yes, thyroid disease can make it nearly impossible to lose or maintain weight and the fix is not quite so simple.

I think we have all had some sort of “discrimination” or stupid remarks made to us at some point in our lives about diabetes.
I, for one, think that diabetes, is diabetes, I don’t look at whether you have to take a pill, a shot, or whatever, you’ve got the same thing I have ---- just different treatments. Today there are so many of us T2’s that are using needles for other injections that insulin, that the type doesn’t really matter to me…that’s me. I think people notice T1’s because of the insulin and the way that it is administered – with a needle or pump. Where popping and pill is “just” popping another pill. But let’s face it, in the end it’s a horrible disease, and we all deal with it in one way shape or form. And people who know nothing, need to be educated.

I TOTALLY misunderstood what you meant! The English language is so slippery! So, thanks for correcting my misunderstanding! :slight_smile:

Recent research on the mouse model of diabetes discovered a hormone, Adiponectin, in the fat of healthy mice. This hormone in normal fat protects healthy mice from insulin resistance. The more fat they have the more protective hormone. Other mice have a genetic defect causing this hormone not to be produced correctly. In their case the opposite was true, the more fat the more insulin resistance. The insulin resistance was corrected by introducing Adiponectin and Leptin. If the model applies in some humans too we might say a genetic lack of Adiponectin in fat causes insulin resistance. Insulin resistance causes more fat which causes more insulin resistance. The escalating cascade either causes or aggravates existing diabetic tendencies. This could explain very well why some people are obese and experience no problems with diabetes whereas others can quickly go from apparently healthy and slender to obese and diabetic in a rapidly increasing downward spiral. If true the fat didn’t cause it, the lack of a hormone did, and the lack of a hormone causes the proliferation of fat through the mechanism of increased insulin resistance: http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/v7/n8/abs/nm0801_941.html

Makes me wonder too if those who see improvement in IR and bg on a low carb high fat diet are inadvertantly eating corrective doses of the missing fat hormone in the process of eating high fat…

gphx, that is really interesting and makes a lot of sense to me. I have had the best results with the high fat low carb diet despite the fact that I would prefer to be a vegan…I have gotten good numbers with the vegan diet but I have a hard time keeping weight on as a vegan. I wonder if they’ll be doing any clinical trials on adiponectin and leptin as as treatment option? Dr. Mercola talks about it on his site. I’d like to find some more research in this area. thanks for posting this…

I was a rail thin vegan for a long time too. Unfortunately my flavor of vegan meant very high carb and it may have gotten me here faster. I find traditional high fat/low carb much easier/convenient and my numbers got better fast too. Not to say there’s anything wrong with vegan but with carb restrictions it’s just too frustrating for me personally. I didn’t know Mercola talks about that. It’d be great to see trials. I think they need to do a lot more work on the genetic testing side so they can get a better idea of what might work for who and also get a better idea of who is appropriate for which trials. Seems to me, and I could be wrong, that there are many origins of diabetes and comparing apples to apples and oranges to oranges would give us more useful info. The mice in the study all had the same gene variant. Throwing in others would’ve muddied up the picture enormously. Here’s hoping for progress.