Do I Need an Endo

So I’m a type 2, currently on basal insulin (38 units of Lantus per day) and metformin. I’m under the sole care of my GP, which for now seems to be working fine. I’ve seen a lot of talk about endos, and while I honestly feel comfortable with my current progress and success in managing my diabetes, I’m wondering if there’s something I’m missing by not seeing an endo.

Or should I just relax and keep pressing on, knowing I can move on to an endo if and when it becomes necessary?

I’ve heard of group appointments for Type 2s where they can get more info than a GP or internist has time to give them.

I’ve always thought that ALL diabetics should get as much info as they want. An informed patient is a more successful patient.

When I was diagnosed, I was fortunate enough to know that Type 1 was a big deal. (My brother preceded me by 38 years). So, I have been intent on doing all I can to be successful.

Anyone with that desire will work harder and do better, so I think it’s a GOOD idea.

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I moved to an endo when my diabetes needs exceeded the knowledge of my GP.

When I became unable to control my blood sugar with diet and “haphazard insulin use”. :smile: You know, when it’s more complicated than “take 1 shot a day, and never change the dose”, then my doctor kind of tapped out. What I really needed to really be on top of things with basal and bolus insulin. After getting an endo, I was able to get a CGM and insulin pump, which has made things much easier for me to manage.

Also the endo has been checking for other things related to diabetes proactively that the GP never thought about: depression and ongoing support, non-standard diabetic complications, etc.


Its worth seeing one and determining if you get any benefit out of it. If you find one that you have a good relationship with, you might like it.


I didn’t start seeing an Endo until the time came that I wanted an insulin pump. I can see now that I could have benefitted from an Endo sooner.

I did not get from my GP the type of training needed to manage with insulin, instead I learned what I needed here. I would recommend that anyone using insulin and especially anyone injecting short acting insulin to see an Endo.

I don’t think most general practitioners have the training to manage a person taking insulin.

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my CDE is much more helpful than my endo. If I had to trade, (and lord knows I do not want to do so) it would be the endo.

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While on one hand I completely agree, I’ll keep my endo who can write those magical prescriptions. :wink: Almost everything else I need I can get from ya’ll here!

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can someone please make a list of issues that their endo actually deals with please.
Some are saying that they deal with things your local gp don’t deal with and others are saying they deal with the things that have left your local gp without any answers. Is an endo “THE” diabetic specialist? Is the endo up with all the latest news and treatments? There is always new information out there. Not all of it relevant and some of it being alternative facts

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