Eating when blood sugar is high

I try to stay under 100 as much as possible. Over 140 is getting into kidney damage territory. That's the point when sugar starts spilling into urine, and that is hard on the kidneys. (The 140 isn't exact. It varies for different diabetics.)

Since we are very susceptible to kidney damage, I do whatever it takes to limit that. If I wanted to eat in the op situation, I would use a muscle injection to bring the bgs down as quickly as possible. I am also using muscle injections to cover the carbs part of a meal, more and more these days. I've never heard this recommended, including by a doctor, but the insulin will finish acting in about 3 hours. Since carbs are glucose in about 2 hours max, it keeps the peak of the bg surge much lower than injecting into fatty tissue.

So especially since I am doing a muscle injection anyway, in that situation I would inject enough to cover the high, and the carbs from the meal, and wait 20 or 30 minutes before eating. I would cover the protein with a fatty tissue injection.