Exercising, low's and pump settings HELP!

I’m using the omnipod and when I exercise I have to go to a temp basal rate of about 25% which is great while I’m exercising but afterwards, like an hour later I get high sugars and sometimes they last for hours! I’ve been giving myself a bolus after I exercise and using the extend function to give it to me over a period of three hours but it’s hard to decide on how much.
Anyone else have this problem? anyone have a solution to this problem?

The only idea I have would be to start the temp basal earlier. My CDE said to start it 1 hour prior to exercising and continue it through the duration of the exercise. The insulin takes a while to be active so this will shift the timing. Just a thought.

I was going to say the same thing - starting the temp basal abit earlier.

Alesha - do you test your BG before you start to exercise? I’ve heard that for some people - exercise can sometimes make their BG go higher - which sounds weird - but it’s probably got something to do with some sort of hormones and maybe dehydration. From what I’ve read, low intensity exercise will decrease blood sugar. Higher intensity exercise (which sometimes can even be walking supposably for those that aren’t “in shape”) can have a tendancy to increase blood sugar. I guess also, if you have the Dawn Phenomonem (sorry - I always spell that wrong ) and depending on when you exercise - then your hormones are still whirling away - which causes BG’s to rise.

Maybe someone out there in Tuville has more techy knowledge about why that happens then I do?

before exercise I start my temp basal 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 mins prior to exercise

I exercise and when I’m in the car to come back home - I switch back to my regular basal.

I set an alarm to remind me to set it back.

I am actually doing everything you guys have men tioned. The temp basal is started an hr before, and I check my sugar before I start the temp basal and then again before I actually start the exetcise.
The real extent of my problem I think is the after bs. It is always good right after but hr or two later it’s high.
Maybe I should talk to my DE againl
Thanks everyone!

This is probably caused in large part by stress hormones being released by your body in response to exercise. It is completely normal. These hormones are signaling your liver to empty its glycogen (stored sugar) into the bloodstream. It is similar to the “fight or flight” response. I actually do the reduced temp basal about an hour before the exercise session and set it for a one hour reduction. So during my exercise, I’m actually getting my normal basal most of the time.

Are you eating after you exercise? You should be. Also consider using Symlin post-exercise with that meal, as it will signal your liver to stop flooding you with sugar. This may not be enough but it should help to a large degree. Of course, you may also need to experiment and find a higher post-exercise basal that controls your blood glucose better.

Thank You!!

I do the same as you, but give a bolus when I get back from exercising that gives most of the insulin that I missed (so if my basal is 0.4 u/hr, and I used a 50% temp for one hour, then I give 0.2 u bolus). I also tried bolusing and eating a small snack after exercise, which seems to help.

Thanks, that sounds like it’d be easy enough to try, I’ll try it out next time I go!