Fast-paced work environment - would a pump make a difference?

I don’t use a pump, but i definitely agree on the CGM side of things - I use a Freestyle Libre, which has no predictive capacity or bells or whistles, but the information that it does give me (my current reading, with a graph/line) lets me make decisions about what I’m doing, and whether i need to quickly take something before moving on to the next task.
Regarding missed meals - i find this less of a problem. As long as your basals are set properly, you’re good to go. Sometimes i will deliberately not eat, because i know that i will be in a situation where my bg needs to be stable - a meeting or other ‘focus’ event. Then i eat afterwards, when i know i will have the space to deal with any highs or lows that come out of it.
Even for short bursts of physical activity, i find that my body produces enough glucose to keep me going.
Regarding your lows - You may still be in the honeymoon phase, where your pancreas is producing insulin (sometimes at weird times)… this should become less frequent over time. In my first year i had lows almost every day, now it’s much more rare. It took about 18 months for my pancreas to finally give up the ghost and calm down… now I’m at 2.5 years and things are much more stable.

Lassoing a pump is a possibility. I have been whipped with oxygen tubing, and once I walked into my coworker being strangled by a resident with her call light cord (she didn’t have the strength to really hurt him). Going into this field, you gotta learn how to laugh!

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Thanks @Kokos - my honeymoon phase only lasted about 2 months after diagnosis. I’m much more stable now, but I do have occasional lows, usually from misjudging carb counts and whatnot. Phew - happy to be outta that phase though, it was so unpredictable sometimes!

PS - thanks for all of the welcomes (this community is so friendly :slightly_smiling: ) but I actually joined tudiabetes a year ago - pretty much the moment I was dx’d. It’s been such a lifesaver! I don’t post too much though, since a lot of my questions are usually already answered in past discussions.

You guys are the best.

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The best tools would be Dexcom G5 ( libre once its available) + Tresiba + Afrezza and Diabetes will be an after thought. Life will not revolve around Diabetes any more.

Pump users- a few of them are becoming pump free …No more pumping