I need some help. I've met with an Endocrinologist twice, but she's very hard to talk to / the way she explains things is confusing for me. Here's some background information:
24yo female, overweight.
8/7/13 Diagnosed PreDiabetic. A1C: 5.9
1/21/14 Diagnosed Diabetic. A1C: 10. Non-fasting C-Peptide: 1.4 (bg was 400+). Islet Cell Antibody: Negative
2/13/14 Non-fasting C-Peptide: 2.5 (while insulin was in my system, blood sugar ~100). GAD Antibody: Positive (Standard range: <= 0.02 nmol/L, My value: 1.22)
Current treatment (started 2/14): Diet, Glipizide, & Metformin. About to start Lantus (more info below)
So, after being told by my primary care physician that I was a T2 with T1 qualities (he thought my C-peptide was low), I went to a diabetes educator who also thought I was "weird" because my diabetes came on so quickly.
Met with the Endo, she said my C-peptide was completely normal and I was a textbook T2. Okay, cool. She put me on Glipizide and Metformin, which has been working okay. She also told me to stop testing as often, which I thought was a weird thing to tell a new diabetic (I've been testing right before and 2hrs after meals, just to get a feel for what's going on).
Then my GAD antibody test came back positive. This is where she really started confusing me. She said this does not mean I am a Type 1, or LADA, or anything like that. Her words: "We're still going to treat you like a Type 2." She said that since my C-Peptide came back normal on the 13th, and since I'm responding to oral meds, I'm T2. Then she lowered my Glipizide and put me on 8 units Lantus. Why would she put me on insulin if nothing has changed?! She said it was a "backup". Backup for what?
I'm just so confused! Type 2's don't normally have antibodies, right? My Endo also said that with diet I probably won't be on insulin forever. But... don't antibodies mean that my pancreas is being attacked? She made it seem like antibodies simply mean there is a potential for an attack.
Sorry this is long... it's just been a rollercoaster for the past month and I feel like I'm back at square one. This antibody test has really thrown me for a loop! ANY information would help.
Thank you,
All of the replies in this thread have convinced me to switch Endocrinologists. Unfortunately I don't meet with my new one until the end of April, so I'm stuck with the one I have until then. I am going to send her the information you all gave me and see what she has to say. Thank you all so much for your support and information! It really means a lot. I'm so glad I found this community.