First Vlog: You Can Do This Project

So, I've ventured into the world of vlog-ing... just for the special purpose of the You Can Do This Project! If you don't know about it, you should go check it out... at Kim's amazing blog... Texting my Pancreas. ... specifically, her You Can Do This project page! There are links to so many amazing videos, and many touching stories, and some blog posts. So, please, check it out. If nothing else, it will show you the amazing power of the DOC (diabetes online community) and how you have so many wonderful people out here that are here to support you on your dJourney, 24/7/365... I guarantee you that you'll find someone on Twitter or Facebook that will answer your question any time of day or night! So, if you are even thinking about coming out of lurker mode and blogging, posting on message boards at places like TuDiabetes or DiabetesSisters, Tweeting, or doing anything in the DOC, Please, this is the perfect time to jump in! We're a welcoming group, and everyone here feels like my extended family already, and I've only been doing this for a little while! This is the best support group that you will find anywhere and together, we can all do this!

~ (dHugs)… and remember, YOU CAN DO THIS! ~ Aliza