Foot Care

True & wise.

Buddhism First Noble Truth-- Life is suffering.

Thanks Scott,

That program is only for people with jobs… Go figure. I use PCN, which is a micro subset of medicaid, and limited only to primary care and very, very few doctors.No specialists or anything like that. Mostly preventive stuff. It does give copays for prescriptions tho, which helps with the strips and other stuff.

My kids don’t spend Christmas with me. In fact, there is no Christmas at my house. I haven’t put up decorations or a tree in a several years. I have more baggage and emotional issues than anyone would care to hear about :slight_smile: Not a scrooge, just a mental mess. I hope everyone has a great Christmas. To me, its just another day, so my children go to mom’s, or their boy/girfriend’s homes. You get used to it, its no big deal.

Thanks for being aware and the suggestions Scott.


So if my numbers are so good, and well controlled, how come one day I woke up with major neuropathy in my toes? :slight_smile:

Probably the second question for the doctor. I think I already know the answer, but sometimes you just have to bite the money bullet and listen to what they say, and find out which specialist will end up owning my house to make my feet useful again
