I've been reading The Book of Better the past couple days. The author is doing a video chat here soon. His basic message is about making small, gradual improvements. Even if your health is not 50% better immediately, even 10% or 2% is an improvement. Small changes add up over time.
Had an appointment today and got my lab results. Nothing too shocking, I had a pretty good idea how a lot of things were going. Thyroid is wayyyy off due to my not having been taking the med. Got the dose adjusted and started back up on that. Kidney function was fine (I'm really thankful I haven't seen any issues with them to this point). Triglycerides were high, I'm told probably due to the high sugars. To my surprise, my A1C is actually down from 13.4 a little over a year ago to 12.5 today. However with that, my fructosamine level is super high at over 1000. Range should be between 190-270. She told me she has never seen one come up so high. So my question for some who have had not so great control, if your willing to share, would be how high have you seen this? Last but not least, my vitamin D deficiency seems to be mostly resolved at this point.
We agreed on a few changes insulin wise for me to try to make and stick to. Nothing too drastic on the Humalog at this point, but adding another unit of Lantus in the morning and at night, trying it for a week, and then adding another unit again at night if I don't see any sugars below 300 this week.
So, I now have some idea what to be trying for a correction factor for the Humalog, as well as some other goals for sticking to changes in the Lantus and remembering my thyroid med. She told me my thyroid is so far off she doesn't know how I have the energy to put one foot in front of the other at this point. I'm hoping if I can get my thyroid on the right track, maybe the increased energy will equate to at least a small boost in my motivation to stick to this and make more progress.
I know going forward I'm going to struggle when I slip up, as I'm usually really hard on myself and can tend to be pretty negative when things aren't going great. So, I've got to work on that and the motivation factor going forward.
Funny you use the term anchor, as one thing I am looking forward to is finishing putting a new floor and interior in my boat an getting that out on the water.
Hey rian
I recently read ur article and realised i have or had (not sure if its gone) a similar issue/ i had diabetes for 3/4 years. Not long.. when i discovered it i was fine with it... recently i became soo depressed , was upset all day, didnt want to get up and do nothing, was waking up sad..i think it was like i was carrying a big bag of issue and finally had to let it all go... i was being to strong for ay too long... basically i never spoke to anyone about diabetes in whcih resulted in me being depressed... somehow i have pulled myself out of it all... from time to time i get really upset, angry when i get low sugar... I never used to be like that... why have my emotions changed?? I guess it will now stay like this but how do i learn to live with diabetes taking injections 4 times a day?? How to i get strong again??
If u cn please answer my questions
Nat, I'm on my way out the door for an appt right now, I read both your posts and I'll stick my thoughts on your other discussion when I get home.
Any reply yet?/