Here's the idea. Please, tell me what you think. Do you know people who could do this? (I'm less interested in regulatory feasibility than in technical feasibility.)
PROBLEM: Every day, several times a day, we take our lives in our hands when we decide on insulin, food or exercise activities. No one is smart enough, certainly not me, to use even the limited data sets we have to effectively or accurately treat ourselves. Poring over charts and graphs is not my forte. There are way too many variables (e.g., food type, amount, mix, recency; time of day; exercise type, amount, recency; stress level; insulin type, amount on-board, basal levels, bolus levels; personal data like weight, BMI, and work environment, etc.), they are all in constant flux and their relationships are often (apparently) inconsistent.
SOLUTION: Crowdsource, anonymize and aggregate all that data from Type 1 geeks and smartphone users globally. Analyze it for patterns, and feed relevant insights back to individuals in the crowd for them to use to help them decide what to do now - in the situation they find themselves in. Should they eat, bolus, walk, run? And how much of each?
EXAMPLE: I'm a 50-year old T1D, weight 190#, have a sedentary job; I just ran a mile; I last took a bolus of Novolog 5 hours ago and my current pump basal rate is .5u/hour. My BG is 177 and dropping (per my CGM). WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW? In its simplest incarnation, our system would search for similar scenarios in the global data set, as well as similar scenarios in my personal data set, and let me know how similar they were and what happened in those cases when various actions were taken. For example, the next action might have been:
- Ate a pint of ice cream->BG steady for 3 hours;
- Drank 8 0z. of juice->BG up 25 points then down 45 after 3 hours;
- Etc.
- Based on this analysis, I will be able to make a much more informed decision as to what I ought to do next. Certainly way more informed than I am today.
APPROACH: We could collect much of this data: some passively, some actively. Let's assume that there are smartphone apps that can passively gather some exercise data (pedometers, Nike+), that the new Sanofi/AgaMatrix can gather BG test data, and that appropriately incentivised users would employ exercise and diet apps apps to share food, stress, personal and exercise data points. With all this data from thousands of people posting more data every day, I have to believe that we would all benefit.
Could we do this? How? What are the hurdles? How could we get over them?