Help and Advice: Medicare will NOT cover Pods/PDM

Sorry, my post went to General, see it there or brief recap.
Found out today that my 'late' delivery was not sent because of 'insurance'. Called PHC (my Medicare Advantage plan) and they sent me to another DME vendor who finally laid to rest why I was having such trouble (edgepark) and now OneSource: MEDICARE DOESN'T COVER OMNIPOD. I have a fight ahead to find a tubed pump and need suggestions since I was spoiled by Omnipod. Also need to know if I can get a waiver from the 4 year rule. I am pursuing paths to free me from the massive retail charges from Edgepark and what I expect from OneSource. I have to call my Endo and seek guidence on how to transition back to MDI in 10 days. Any advice is welcomed
Suzanne the stressed and disappointd.

Sorry to hear your trouble. It think it is best to check ahead and get an authorization in advance if ordering new things.
My insurance will not cover omnipods either. I have my choice , Animas or Minimed. Thats it.
If I make a special caim explaining why I need something else, they might allow it but at a lower rate of compensation,