Help! Can Freestyle Lite strips be used with Omnipod PDM?

So, we are leaving for a 5 day trip tomorrow and I just received some much-needed Freestyle strips from our mail order pharmacy today. Only they sent me Freestyle LITE strips, not our usual ‘old’ version strips. And we are leavign TOMORROW, so no time to exchange them… please, anyone, can I use these LITE strips? Thank you in advance!

They should work fine with the code set to 16.

Thank you very much, Tim. That puts my mind at ease before our trip. :slight_smile:

If they are the “New” freestyle strips they will work but if they are the “LITE” strips they wont. The LITE strips only work in the newer meters. And definately not in the Omnipod.

Now why they couldnt have come up with better descriptive names I will never understand!

There is nothing official from Insulet or from Abbott yet (b/c of the FDA) but the new Freestyle LITE strips are backwards compatible w/ all meters. Again this is not official.

I use the new LITE strips in my PDM (and in a bunch of freedoms and flashes as well) and I have not had any issues. Like Tim says, just make sure you put the code on 16.

The next time you’re at the pharmacy buy a box of new freestyle LITEs and new freestyles. Open them and tell me what the difference is…there’s not one. They both have a butterfly on them and both have the same internal wiring (the only difference is the color of the box and the color of the vial). And all of the vials (including the new freestyle LITEs, which shouldn not need to be coded btw) also have code 16 on the vial…why do you think they would do that? *hint, hint. :wink:

In re-reading your post I guess I would add to make sure that the strips you were sent are in fact the NEW freestyle lites. They need to have a butterfly on the strip.
See my comment on this post about the differences in what the strips look like. If they say “freestyle lite” on them, do NOT use them (those are the OLD version and are NOT backwards compatible). If they have the butterfly, I’d say use them.

I use FreeStyle LITE with PDM. I compared results with ACCU-CHECK( I use it sometimes as well) and in 90% results were the same (1-2 points different).

I hate to toss another opinion in the ring but with a 16 setting I got wide variances. I read on this site that someone experimented with the new butterfly strips and 12 worked much better. I tested with both settings and agree 16 isn’t as accurate as 12. But that is me, I guess everyone’s mileage may vary.

Knowing that people were having mixed results, we tested with two meters for a week just to be sure we were not having an issue. We set to code 16 on the PDM with the new strips, as the vial indicates.

In 90% of our readings the PDM with the new strips and the FreeStyle with old strips were within a few points of each other. We did have 2 readings that were very far apart (60-80 points) but the interesting thing is that on rechecking, it was the FreeStyle meter with the old (“good”) strips that made the error.

So, we are proceeding with using the new strips on a regular basis.