Hello Nicole:
Have not read all the posts for your thread yet, however physical exercise CAN trigger adrenaline into your system... something as intense as the PX programs, regardless of your personal fitness, could buy you a higher number once/if the adrenaline kicks in.
Sometimes where you injected could cause excessively rapid absorption too. Working your legs, having injected/connected to your upper thigh for example, can get the insulin absorbed excessively fast, that being the body part you are working extra hard. End up starting to crash, then get the double whammy, and end up high(er) instead as your body compensates for its nose dive? Counter intuitive, but possible...
If you exercise at a higher number, textbook protocols say that your body potentially could go higher, because it gets confused and starts breaking down fats for glucose. A proverbial brain fart, a mess up if you will. The end result in either case, cut back on the exercise routine just for a day or two so you can clear this mess up a little bit, try and get a handle on it at some level?
Keep exercising, at that intensity, chances are pretty good, the pattern will not stop... So stop and break the cycle, see if stopping a day, or two helps any?
Any chance you are menstruating? About to begin so? That is pretty common as well... the hormones kick your butt and blood sugar at the same time.
For the record, I know there are many who are terrified out of their minds by "spooky numbers" anything over 200 (8 O ... there is ZERO spooky about such numbers. Sure higher than desired, higher than wanted, but NOTHING remotely to worry about at all.... Z-E-R-O, nada... nothing.
There is a pattern(s) causing it, you're just not catching it yet is all. Are all the numbers CONSISTENTLY all over 200, or just some readings??? Betting its just some... if so, lets go down the list(s) see what can be eliminated as a cause for them...