If it is not something you could stick with in the long term then it is not worth pursuing. Why would she recommend vegetarian? Low carb is the best thing you can do to control your diabetes and that is meat, eggs, cheese, vegies and fat. The most recent reports show that increased fats do not show increased incidence of heart issues, in fact they show the opposite. I think you need a new diabetes specialist.
I concur. It’s difficult to restrict carbs on veggie diets, because so many veggie protein foods, such as pulses are about 50% carb
There are any number of reasons by which A1c would not seem to correspond with glucose meter measurements.
One unlikely possibility, that I just made up, is that different people might have different rates at which glucose binds with proteins. A person with a high binding rate would tend to have higher glycated hemoglobin values, for a given average glucose value, as against someone with a low binding rate. Perhaps there might be some (unknown) enzyme that is, at least in part, responsible such variation. Perhaps, too, the rate of binding might, in part, account for varying degrees of suscepibility to secondary complications.
There is no cause to believe a word of what I’ve just written. I know of nothing that supports it.
I am so glad you said this— RBCs of people without spleens do live longer, your A1c will be higher than expected…they never told me this when they had to take my spleen out–you’d think they’d a told a diabetic this–well–guess not given everything else they don’t tell us–but they should! My BG took a .6 jump after my surgery, i am having a deveil of a time getting it back down to 6–and it is higher than my meter (and CGMS) average
Do you happen to know offhand if it throws anything else off (yes I know I can google–but no sense doing a lot of search if someone lese has already done it)
I hear that Thunderbird or MD 20/20 is popular. It costs abouit 97 cents a gallon, but then it is worth it for the really good stuff. Hic!!!
A CGM would give you a much more complete picture of your overall blood sugar management. I would suggest setting up a trial with your doctor. I have always tested very frequently, but until I started with a CGM, I was never able to see the blood glucose levels that I was missing between BG checks.
Fit4D Fitness Coach
I asked the doc about this last visit–he agreed that no spleen can cause A1c jump–but not the aftermeal spikes–but the symlin seems to be gettin those now–hopefully it will continue to
I don’t know much about wine helping with diabetes, but I do know that sweet potatoes are better for you than a regular potato. The reason being that sweet potatoes are higher in fiber than a regular potato and fiber helps to regulate your blood sugar. Of course, this doesn’t work if you cook it the traditional way with added sugar, but there are a few really good recipes for cooking sweet potatoes on that make it great for diabetics.
I’m not sure 6.1 is bad is it? Mine is 6 and I was told by my MD that 6 is good. Some of my BG have been higher than yours, but my A1C has remained at 6 for the past year.
I have recently found a study which actually found what a non-diabetic Hba1c is. they were going on assumptions before. It’s 5.1%, thus 6% isn’t bad. Diabetes UK now recommends 6.5% or less for T2 diabetics not using insulin and 7% for insulin users( to avoid hypo phobia) I personally prefer to keep below 6% and below 6mmol/l( 108mg/dl on finger sticks.
In Britain, as far as I can find, the average HbA1c is about 9%. I’ve no idea for the rest of the world. Since ba1c depends on the life of your red corpuscles( about 120days) it doesn’t change fast.
have you heard about the new A1C meters at walgreen, i guess they are great i am going to try one
Thanks…very helpful info:)
Damn how do u always keep ur sugar level around 120 or 100 cuz mine sometimes tends to go above 200 but i try to keep it like 170 or 140 , usually in the morning its 113.
Can u tell me wut u usually eat?
nd do u ever eat anythin sweet?
I have a lot of food allergies so I don’t eat any wheat or other grains. I eat a very low carb diet with most of my carbs coming from vegetables. I do eat some fruit and I make my own desserts with almond flour instead of wheat and stevia for sweetener. If I use any sugar, I put it on top at the end, just a teaspoon can make something taste sweet. I also exercise right after eating. 20 mins on my bike will bring my BG down 50 points.
I personally eat low carb. I find it works very well. I keep below 110 at ALL times
How do you even get it that low…I know this post is old…but Im struggling to get mine anywhere near what I think is reasonable.
I set myself the target of always under 6(118) some time ago and then tightened up on it. I do LOADS of exercise and avoid carbs except for the ones in green veggies… I have been finding it difficult lately, but I have just found out I have a Urinary Tract Infection. Where I got it heaven knows.
I find if I eat very little, it suits me. I’m also trying to lose some more weight.
Essentially I live on meat and salad. I make a huge bowl of coleslaw and keep it in the fridge, so I have some salad available at all times. [home made low carb dressing]
Today I had a big portion of coleslaw,a piece of fried fish and a bowl of frozen raspberries, thawed with cream, for my lunch and Bg after was 4.3 [77.4] I didn’t check before hand. I have done an hour in the gym and a 2.5 mile cross country walk today. That was after a fried egg for my breakfast[at 6:30 am.
Have you converted your average readings? A1c is a different measurement from blood glucose.
Make sure you know and understand the difference. Check out the info and a conversion equation in Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution.
In addition, since A1c works over the life of a red blood corpuscle, about 120days, you need to understand that the most recent bg readins have more effect on the A1c.
there are tables on the internet, which do a conversion for you. there’s even a colour coded one. Sorry I can’t remeber the link
I just got my 2nd A1c result. At diagnosis it was 14, now it’s 6.7. Do you know what average that represents?
The equivalent of 6.7 % A1C is 146 mg/dl eAG.