High A1C doesn't match my meter readings

It means you are doing a very good job in getting under control in a fairly short time Congratulations!

Hi, do you wear a CGM? I had exactly the opposite, having lately high readings during the day when I tested and HbA1C test of only 6.2, which amazed me…hence started to wear my CGM and discovered that I have lows during the night that even do not wake me up…Hence changed my basal once again. So yours might be just the other way around.

Meanwhile 6.1% A1C stands for like an average of 129 mg/dl. Hope this helps…

When all is said and done, having a 6.1 A1C is still something to be proud about, even if you feel a little disappointed by it. You seem to have very good control.

I’ve had the fructose test several times… mine is always very high, I don’t know why because I’m very careful what I eat, but it could be because I’m needing to change my medication and go onto insulin.

The fructose test, i.e., fructosamine, is the replacement for the A1C, which cannot be used by those (me included) who test positive for spherocytosis (sounds worse than it is). My doctor prefers not to do the fructosamine test however, because it is not a long-term test (the A1C is a measurement over 3 months, the other measures no more than a month). Instead, I am seeing a pharmacist who downloads my readings from my Aviva meter to come up with a plan that has varied a bit over time.

By the way, your readings are too good to be true! The last reading I had before we found out the reading was an artifact and not at all related to reality matched yours. I thought a 6.1 was excellent and so did my doctor. We started suspecting things when the great A1C readings failed to match up with my meter readings, which often were above 250.

Denise, what are your daily readings? I’ve found that to be the best way to see how well things are under control.

All in all, your daily readings trump the A1C. That been my experience.

True enough.

Take this for what it’s worth.

For years, I’ve had pretty good A1C readings and pretty lousy meter readings. Then I was tested for spherocytosis. Yep. Got it. And lo and behold! A1C is useless for me because I have it. Good to know because now I realize my meter tests are golden. I’m now on NPH and Regular in the morning and before dinner. It’s working better than ever.

Hi VetHost, sorry to be so long in answering… My meter readings have been into the low to high 200’s over the last two months… I’ve discussed this with my doctor, she put me on Actos to go with my normal medication… said it would take at least a month to kick in… Haha! what a joke… I may just as well take a sugar pill… it’s made no impact at all.

Another indication that what I have is LADA. I’m waiting for an appointment with an Endo… my doctor has referred me to one. I do have to have another blood test this week though…

This morning before exercise, I was at 236… would you believe after exercise I was on 298! I couldn’t believe it! but that’s how it is… Last night before bed, I was 220 which is almost the lowest I’ve been over the last two months… I take my meds like I should… but they’re not doing an awful lot.

What are you eating Suzanne? pehaps at least temporaritly, you can make some adjustments there?

Hi Hana…

I eat a fairly strict diet… count my carbs… I eat a lot of salads, fish, chicken, some cooked vegetables… I count carbs… but it doesn’t matter what I eat at the moment it puts up my blood sugar…

Hopefully this will be solved after Thursday, I’ll have my first visit to an Endocrinologist then. I know I’m going to be put on insulin… then I’ll just have to learn to work with it.

I have a low thyroid disease too and I believe I’m going through menopause so it all contributes to the problem… and at the moment I have a lot of stress…

I weigh less than 220lbs so can’t do too much more adjusting or I’ll melt away…lol.

Thanks for your reply… Denise. xx

There are several conversion tables on-line

You are a type 1 and have A1Cs UNDER 6? That is very very very risky. My doctor told me since my A1cs are 6-6.2 that is ideal. Once someone gets a good handle on their control, there should be no reason to test more than 4 times per day unless you are sick or changing dosages.

Achieving an A1c under 6% would certainly be risky without tight blood sugar control. And I think most people using an intensive insulin regime for tight control would probably need test 8-10 times a day. Even if you do have outstanding handle on control, life is just waiting to throw you a curve ball, and testing lets you handle those curves when they are thrown at you.

I 100% agree. The only thing riskier than A1C under 6 is A1C above 6.

LOL, +1!!


I disagree my last A1C was 5.4 - of which only 3% were of hypero’s. No strict diet, just moderate exercise, and precise insulin dosage and your set :-), at least for me anyway!