While this is an old thread, I think it needs a good updated answer… YUP! You are, or were honeymooning. According to my doctor and education team, the honeymoon period varies from person to person and can last anywhere from a matter of days to many years.
Some Type 1.5’s progress so slowly, that they can manage with diet, exercise and eventually medications like metformin for some time before they have to ever go on insulin therapy. Others, like myself, have such a rapid onset of destruction of their beta cells, they are unable to try to control with any other method besides insulin. However, even as an IDD (Insulin Dependent Diabetic), I still honeymooned. Of course, YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary). My honeymoon lasted for about 3 months, and then my basal needs started climbing dramatically. Incidently, that marked increase in basals also matches the rapid changes in my c-peptide results. As my c-peptide levels fell, my basal needs increased… of course, that should make sense. If it doesn’t, please ask, and I’ll do what I can to explain it.
I still have some very minimal indigenous beta cell function left. It’s very minimal, and at the current rate of destruction, I should be completely dependent on other sources of insulin for all of my needs by the end of this year.
What is a honeymoon anyway? Well, that depends on you. For me, the honeymoon was being able to survive with a total of about 50 units TDD (Total Daily Dose) between the basal insulin and my NovoLog. Now, two months after the end of my honeymoon, my TDD is about 110 - 120. As my c-peptide drops, I expect to raise a bit more, but not by much as my natural production is minimal at best.
What works for me may not work for you. My needs and your needs are likely to be vastly different. Your metabolism rate, your exercise levels, etc, all influence how much insulin you need to take. Most importantly, so does what you eat. We all need carbs, but not all carbs are created equal. And now, I’m rambling, so I’ll quit.
I hope this helps someone that comes into this group later.