How long to flush ketones?


With me it is all determinate of how high my sugar is, the quantity of ketones present at first test, and what time of the day it is.

I wish I could give you more of an answer but I think it’s all different for everyone, just like diabetes is.

thanks for ur valued discossions and replies
the proublm is when i take fluds or too much water
the i have go bath room with in 10 minutes
taht means i have to stay home for longer periodsm office worksuffers
whe i urinate i get get feling of going again and again.
reg the Ketones r these directly related toour kidny?
is this simble of kidny demage?

please advise

I remember my diagnosing blood sugar at 555 from the lab at the hospital… Wow did i feel like crap back then…oddly enough it takes a smaller high number and i feel it… The advice i got was to just sip water or sports drinks (depending on your BG) for the day and retest for ketones with your blood sugar every few hours…
can take over 12 hours to completely leave your system

for me,they ware out quickly,I think it depends on the person,what works for me doesn’t work for you rule,I guess,but that’s a guess,you may want to ask your endo or educator.
hope it helps :slight_smile:

in india , no one bother about ketones, if sometime i have high sugar, i just try to control it by insulin , and take some water

When testing for ketones for accurate results, I have also been told to “double void”. Go once, drink 6-8 oz. of non-caloric fluid, then test 2nd void. This will give you an accurate measurement of what is in ya. I have always been told by my PCP and endo that no ketones are normal no matter what and that it is actually bad for the kidneys to pass them. I haven’t had any for upward of 5 years now, even with infections, flu, strep throat, etc. Drinking water and tea are key to going about every 2-3 hours and going sufficiently to eliminate them.

Trace and marginal levels of ketones are actually “normal” A non-diabetic will sometimes measure these levels from fasting or exercise and someone following a low carb diet may well walk around all day every day with low levels of ketones. I don’t believe that k etones are known to be harmful to the kidneys. The technique you were told about “double voiding” is helpful, not only for ketones, but for sugar in urine. That stuff can sit in your bladder for a while, so if you want an up to date reading that reflects your current status, you can use that technique. Even better is to use a blood ketone meter.

In addition to drinking lots of fluids to flush out ketones, you can also use mild exercise. When your blood sugar is well below 200 mg/dl and you have insulin on board, you can walk and your body will consume ketones for energy, further dropping your blood ketone levels.

bsc, my doctor also told me that trace and small levels of ketones are normal in the morning (because I’ve been fasting for 8+ hours). But large levels are not normal.

I was told to NOT exercise with ketones because your body already does not have a source of energy. Can you really “use” ketones for energy???

I was also told to “double void”. Good suggestion Catherine!

Thanks for this valuable reply and information

If you have any elevated blood sugar, potentially an insulin deficiency and any ketones present, I would agree you should not exercise, that could aggravate your condition and drive you into DKA in a hurry.

However, when your blood sugar is normal and you have a normal level of insulin on board, I don’t think there is any issue with light exercise such as walking as a way of consuming excess ketones. I think this is an example of advice being oversimplified.

And it turns out that your body is quite happy burning ketones for energy, most people are just carb adapted. Our bodies us fat for energy using what is called the “Krebs” cycle ( There are a lot of misconceptions about low carb diets, ketosis and ketones. I am personally quite happy I burn ketones, otherwise I would accumulate body fat and never get rid of it.

I learn something everyday! Thanks for teaching me today!

I am not sure how long it takes to flush ketones I think it depends on the amount of ketons that you have in your body.
Last year I went into hospital twice with ketons the first time it took 4 days for everything to get sorted out and flushed out and the second time I was only in there for one night and was able to go home at lunch time the following morning.

I test the amount of ketons on my meter as well as blood its great I dont know where I would be without it,its so much better then the urine testing less hassle and it gives you numbers.
Good luck

My doctors tell me to just DRINK WATER… the more water I drink the faster the ketones will flush out.
so I would just drink,drink, drink that water…

Hope your ketones get to negative soon!

My endo told me that DKA only happens in Type 1 diabetics.

I think this is generally true. I have type 1 diabetes. DKA is caused by extreme lack of insulin, which means that it would only occur in people whose body does not make enough insulin.