I am 7 weeks along, as of Sunday and as you know I was following a low carb diet because I had the same idea as you, less carbs and less insulin = less mistakes, however my dietician has added a lot more carbs to my diet and I just have had to experiment with things that work for me, i have been having issues with finding a bread I can do without a 2 hr post meal spike, and the Double Fiber English muffins from Oroweat are a Godsend! I am limited to carbs and protein in the morning and so I eat a whole english muffin with natural pb and reduced fat cream cheese, this has not made me spike at all and works great for me! I tried rye bread the other day, terrible numbers! So I’m trying the Double Fiber regular bread and seeing how that goes, but I am still relatively low carb, I get most of my carbs from veggies and I eat a lot of meat and protein but with pregnancy you do need carbs for the baby or you will pass ketones, I have been having them if I go too long between meals, usually between breakfast (about 7:30 am) and lunch (about 2:30 pm) so we’re adding in an afternoon snack and seeing how that works, also drink lots of water! Ketones can happen from dehydration too. Glucerna bars are a really good option too, I eat them quite often and they have never spiked me, the peanut butter chocolate bars are my fav! I’m really new to all of this and am just trying to stay positive and keep as good control as I can! My last A1C was 6.2, so the low carb diet at least got me to where i was in a good range for pregnancy and giving my baby a healthy start
Hope this helps!
Another recommendation is to get a food scale and get used to using it. I measure EVERY slice of bread during pregnancy. The nutrition facts on the packaging are only required to be within a certain range, which is not as accurate as we need it. Plus often all the slices are not exactly the same size.
Most breads are 50% carbs (unless there is some unusual ingredient – sprout bread would be less, bread with honey in it probably more). I count the same regardless of whole grain or white (but choose whole grain for health reasons and I get less of a spike). I just weigh the bread, divide in half and there is my carb count.
I weigh all carbs that I am eating during pregnancy and it has revealed how unreliable my previous methods are. So now I am a huge advocate of carb counting with a scale. When I eat out, I bring my carbs with me (bread or pasta/potatoes/rice in a box). Or I use a mini-Salter scale that I got for Christmas.
Sounds like you did perfect! Great job Mama!
Thanks so much for pointing this out Krisitn, I never even thought about it! I just trust the nutrition label I will def be experimenting with weighing out foods with nutrition labels. I usually bring my carbs with me as well how funny! I have one of those mini-salter scales and love it use it several times a day.
Congrats on your pregnancy! Thanks for being so detailed in your current diet plan it helps a lot! The more info the better right? I have heard a lot about fasting ketones during pregnancy which makes me think it would be difficult to semi low carb and use ketone strips to try and see if I am eating enough carbs…would the ketones be from not eating for a few hours or low carbing?? I am a member of atkids yahoo group which is women who are TTC,pregnant, or breastfeeding while low carbing and have found a wealth of information in the group. So about how many carbs are you eating total per day?
Havent tried Glucerna bars yet but have had shakes, do you get meal or snack bars?Do you bolus for them??
I think that my ketones usually come from just not eating for too long, I am working also so it makes it difficult sometimes to have my snacks but you just have to do what you have to do, which is hard for me, but I’ve been working on it. i would say i am probably eating somewhere around 100 a day, about 35 with each meal, take or give somedays, but I think that would probably be a pretty good estimate. try the Glucerna bars They are really good and they’re slogan is to help lower A1C levels and to avoid those spikes!
i get both actually
I will have the meal bars and then eat like some string cheese and carrots and ranch with it and then the snack bars I usually have for my mid morning snack with some cashews to accompany it
It’s been working out pretty well for me
They can get kinda spendy, I think theres like 4 meal bars in a box for $5.00, so like $1.25 a bar but I havent rersearched if they stock them at Costco or any of the bulk supply stores, but whatever works for me I do
i do bolus for them, I just type how many carbs I eat into my pump and it does all the work!
I cant remember if you said you were on a pump, but if youre not I would strongly suggest going on one, I didnt know if I was going to at first before i got pregnant but now that I am, I honestly cant think of doing it without it! My doctor has already adjusted my rates a few times just since I’ve been pregnant so it’s been really helpful, do you have a good insurance that might cover it?