Yes…Lantus was introduced first then Levemir. There is/was some belif that Lantus had a slightly longer duration than Levemir. I also think that I had read that there was less chance of going hypo with Levemir. That’s one of the reasons that I chose it.
So, I use between 15 to 24 units of Novolog, and 10-12 units of Lantus a day. Roughly how much insulin does this translate into if I’m using just Novolog in an Omnipod pump system?
Is it just translating Lantus into the basal amount of Novolog, or can I expect my pre-meal bolus amounts of Novolog to change as well?
This is a nearly impossible question to answer. Depending on your recent blood sugar logs your doctor will establish a basal insulin program that may start out just constant throughout the day or may have some changes based on where your sugars are usually higher and lower. From there you’ll probably start with the same dosing of novolog that you use now. As you learn to fine-tune it most of us fined we need more basal at some points and less at others. I even found that I need a different bolus ratio at dinner than the rest of the time. I met with my doctor monthly for the first 6 month or so to fine-tune these numbers. A good estimate if you’re just trying to figure out a rough approximation of what you may need is to add up the max doses (25N+12L= 37 units / day). I would expect your doctor to probably write you a prescription for between 35 and 40 units per day. Again, things will change as you adapt to it but it gives you a baseline to work from.
Everyone’s different, but I use about the same amount of Novolog for basal as I did Lantus (~13 units/day). I do use it a bit differently - I use a bit more per hour in the mornings than I do for the rest of the day, not a flat rate like Lantus.
Bolus-wise, not sure, I only did MDI for 3 months, so at the time I didn’t really have my ratio worked out as well as I do now. But it wasn’t all that different, I think I started out with around the same ratio then fine-tuned it as I got better. The pump is nice because it can do such tiny little fractions of units - it’s not at all uncommon for me to take 4.65 units or whatever, something next to impossible with MDI.
Thank you Barbra and Rebecca,
The fine tuning is something I’m really looking forward to and it is pretty much impossible with MDI. I tend to err towards more insulin and more lows, and find myself grazing all day to maintain my BG.
Thanks again!
No grazing required on the Pod system unless you’re just a grazer
Welcome to the group! You wont find a more helpful group of people ANYWHERE. If you have a question, and there are many good minds here (scientific types). I have found this forum to be the best anywhere. NOw to your quesion: I personally go through about one vial a month, and I fill the pod reservoir to 150 units for 3 days. I think you should be able to get your doc to alter your scrip to whatever you need to comfortably cover your needs. It is certainly not reasonable for anybody to be dishing out $600 for the privelidge of diabetes!
I use a vial in about three weeks.
I use 1 vial of lantus and 1/2 to 3/4 vial of novolog a month. I eat sensibly and am fairly active so that cuts back on the insulin dosage required. The last time I checked Lantus was $100 a vial and novolog was the same. Amazing how the rest of the world pays way less for prescription meds than US citizens do thanks to our corrupt politicians.
GOOGLE ‘free apidra insulin’. They have some program where they are gving away their insulin until April 2012. Not sure why or exactly how it works. I started a new discussion to get more info. I am getting a pod soon, my first pump after 20 years as type 2 and sick of shots and grossed out by the tubing. Wish me luck and best of luck to you Lori. I am so loving this site and everyone’s input.
Hello, I have been on mm pumps for 11yrs and have been type I for 34 yrs. I go through 6 vials a month around 175 units a day. My daughter who is 9 and diagnosised at age 6 just started omnipod uses about 125 units every 3 days. Talking about drug prices I fill 18 per month for me, 5 for my wife and 8 for my daughter. I spent about 8,000$ a yr out of pocket money and I still can’t fill a couple due to cost. Thanks for reading, Robert
175 units and my 1600 calorie a day diet would put me into continuous insulin shock. Unless you SERIOUSLY over eat constantly, 175 units a day sounds way excessive. I am 220 lbs and 5'11" and use about 65 units per day....30 of that is Lantus and the other 35 is Novolog. Been a type 1 for over 30 years.
I always ask my endo for insulin samples when I go in. Just a tip to offset your out of pocket for the visit. They usually give me a couple vials. :)