How/when did you get yourself to start taking care of diabetes seriously

Hi all,

I have type ll and am having a difficult time self motivating myself with my diet and exercise. Part of my problem I think is that I don’t notice feeling better or worse depending on what I eat or what my sugar levels are. I test 2-3 times a day, take metformin twice a day 1000mg total, go to the doctor regualarly, go to a diabetic nutritionist once a month, etc…but the important daily things like making good food choices and exercising regularly are just not happening. Was there anything you can remember that helped you get to the point of taking control of these things…I work in a nursing home so I’ve seen some of the terrible consequenses of diabetes but it still doesn’t get me into taking care of myself better. Any advice or shared stories would be greatly appreciated. thanks, christine

Thanks for your reply…it was helpful. I think breaking my exercise regimen down will help me too. I will check more often. Right now I check two hours after breakfast and two hours after dinner but I will add the others as well. Again thanks.

I am a Type 1 and when I was diagnosed I was 19.I kind of was carefree about my D until my husband &I decided it was time to start a family.I wanted to make sure my children were born healthy.It was alot of work,testing between 6-10x a day and all the appointments but the reward is worth it.

Hi Christine,
There are days when i really wonder what will get me to get up and move and do the things i need to do today. You have gotten some really excellent responses already. Debb’s suggestion about breaking up your exercise time is really a good one and it is what i do. I always set me up at 5 minutes at a time. After that 5 minutes i ask myself if I can make it another 5 minutes. Most of the time my answer is yes. Then I can pick it up again at a later time and do it again. If 5 minutes is my best then that is acceptable for the day. Be proud of what you accomplish. Don’t set your goals so high they are too hard to get to. But do see the good things you do each day And praise yourself for them. Reward yourself for the first full day of doing well for your diabetes. Maybe that reward is a special spray of perfume before getting into bed for the night and smelling that nice perfume as you drift of to sleep. Or maybe that somethng special is something nice to use when you shower, a great smelling shower gel or nice lotion for when you get out or a special little something for your hair. it can be anything. What I am saying is just reward yourself. And look around in your life and think about what means so much to you, you would miss it terribly tomorrow Is there a person, a little dog, a place? Then think about what would happen to them if you were the one missing tomorrow. I went to your home page after ai read your post to see what else was there. I saw a woman sitting on that rock. That woman was not a shrinking violet. She has something to give to this world. You have something to give to us here. Don’t make us lose out on that gift. Share you with us. I for one will be very sad not to have you here with us. I know you can do this. We all have bad times and bad days and need someone to care about how we are and IF we are. WE CARE.
Things won’t be easy and you can come back here and gripe or moan or raise all kinds of you know what. I must not say hell right now because I am being serious. We will share recipes, doctor’s visits, blood work, all kinds of things. Just stay with us. Share with us. Take care of you. We make mistakes too and none of us is perfect. So we won’t ask that of you. Don’t ask it of yourself. Just treat you as you would treat one of us, GOOD.
My best to you. And you damn well better be here tomorrow.

You have gotten great advice already from these ladies, but one thought I might add…how long have you been diagnosed? Maybe you are still coming to grips…that can take years. Also, I think that the thought of a healthy lifestyle can be daunting…so many “don’ts.” Be nice to yourself. Take it one step at a time. If you can find someone to take brief walks with at lunch or after dinner, you might find it easy…more chat and stroll than sweat. Debb’s idea of the treadmill is wonderfull…put it in front of the TV…just 1 show! You can do that! It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Any little thing you do is one more thing you are doing to help yourself. If there is something you eat regularly that you feel is not great for you, just give it up for a few days. Gradually, you might find yourself only eating it on weekends or whatever. Baby steps!
Testing is a great idea…numbers don’t lie. If there is an easy substitute for something that you notice raises your post meal numbers, just try it for a week. Sometimes new habits can take hold quickly.
Most importantly, know that everyone here is going through some variation of your adventure. Good luck and keep us posted.

For me it was when a close friend died to complications of diabetes and I saw how much pain he was in and also because another close friend of mine has recently lost both legs due to uncontrolled infections from uncontrolled diabetes.

Hi Christine,

this is my first post (so please be gentle!!) I have just commemorated my 40th anniversary of Type 1 diabetes (we didn’t know to count them in those days, it was called Juvenile On-set) and I have ‘grown’ into a control from childhood. I think it would be much harder to be diagnosed as an adult and have to give up/change whole sections of life, but in my case controlling diabetes has become a way of life in itself and I do not remember anything different (or what chocolate biscuits actually taste like, hehe). I also have a regulated daily exercise plan, and catch public transport to and from work so I get regular daily walking done. Best wishes with your control


Hi again, Christine. I was just reading through the “How Do You Deal?” blog and someone said that it is so hard for her to reach for an old fav in the grocery store and realize that they couldn’t eat that anymore. I guess my take on it it, when I am attracted to something I shouldn’t eat, is to decide if I need it…it’s not that I can’t have it, it’s just that I shouldn’t have it as much. I allow myself whatever I want in moderation…I very very rarely bake at home anymore, but I’ll eat dessert at a dinner party, I eat cake at birthday parties, a slice of pizza if that’s what’s being served away from home, a few bites of the donuts someone brings in to work, etc., giving up one thing for another, exercising before hand, whatever, but knowing I can have anything, just not very often. I don’t have the best control on the site, but that is working for me right now to keep me fairly motivated and from becoming depressed about it. You are lucky, with type 2, activity can help keep your #'s respectable, so plan a walk after Thanksgiving dinner!

Christine, how would you like a AMIGO HUG? As 91 year,young, geezer, insulin-dependent since 1977, and a ROLE MODEL that walks the walk and talk the talk, have advised over 40.000 diabetics one of the best way to live with diabetes is, beside having a good diabetic team is have a DIABETIC BUDDY. This person is your daily shadow that can SAVE you life. Maybe youcould start a support group in your area, and find a ROLE MODEL.Think positive ALL THE TIME.We all make mistakes and that is how we learn. After saying your prayers, the first thing you put on is a SMILE and wear it ALL DAY LONG. My advice to all is always be in control not DIABETES. I am thinking of getting a shirt made that says, do you have a diabetic buddy?, if not,can I apply for the job? This is a silent salesman that opens up conversation. You are the most important person and deserves the BEST. Check out AMIGO