I did this test cause I really thought I was just nuts but here is the strange thing
Humalog taken when I am correcting a high BG works faster and is out of my system sooner then when I inject to cover food,
Bad site the other day BG was 470 (checked on 3 meters) Took a injection of 2 units (I have a really high sensitivity to insulin) 1 hour later BG was 204 got a drop alarm on my CGM. BG was 122 2 hours later then about 2 :45 after injection it stopped dropping staying at a BG of 91
Eating lunch starting BG of 101 take my insulin eat rapid rise (my usual) first 2 hours to about 210 then a straight line till the 3rd hour then rapid drop the 4th and 5th back to 99. I took injections for both so I could make sure it was close to the same.
This is from one test but I have been doing this test whenever I have to correct a high BG and I can not figure out why so fast and gone when fasting but it really has a long curve when food is eaten.
I could see if it just stopped lowering around the same time as the first shot that would make sense then I could say I just did not take enough to cover the food. But it keeps working for almost 5 hours when food is in the mix.
Make any sense to anyone else?
Be loved