Humalog U-500

I was updating my account with MedicAlert with my humalog info. I just got back on going on with Humalog insulin with Humulin R U-500 insuline. Which was a nightmare. I’m pumping close to 220 unites of Humalog insulin in a day.

I had noticed they had a listing for Humalog U-500. Does anyone know anything about this insulin? I was going to call Lily but ran out of time in my day. Thanks.

The R U-500 is five times more concentrated. You dose 1/5th your normal dose with it to get the same dose as R U-100.

Have you checked into Apidra? My endo says its faster and I read that it doesn’t crystallize in the tubing of pumps as much.

Hi, Chadd. I don’t know much about this insulin; however, there is at least a couple of discussions around here regarding using this insulin in pumps. I’m nearly certain that one of them is under the discussions in the OmniPod group. Using as much insulin as you use would mean changing out the OmniPod on a daily basis. This is why the switch to using U-500 in the pump.

From another place I read that they were developing ‘smart insulin’.

Maybe that will come on the market soon?

Have you tried Chromium supplements?

Dear Chadd,

Would love to know more here. Which pump are you using? When you say “carb-choice” is that per carb, or per carb-serving? Are you T1 or T2? I know about the quandary of bad sites and I have been disappointed with the MD response to this reality. The frustration factor is understandable. I have conferred with so many who keep trying to balance everything and it is really quite hard, especially when being high/low takes all your energy away. If other meds are in the picture these confound the action of insulin at times.

Dont’ give up. stay online.


Chadd, just remember, fenugreek is a potent source of xenoestrogens. Anything containing Flaxseed or it’s oil or derivatives have the absolute highest amount of xenoestrogens. Might as well take female hormones. You get less of an effect. And you’re less likely to grow hooters.

This alone can make control issues a bit more difficult.

Try looking for Bitter Melon.

In the morning when I get up, I take 55 units of the Lantus insulin. Then I take Humalog 20 units before each meal, and then I take Humelin-R 45 units at bedtime. This seems to keep my BG at an acceptable level. If I do not take the Humelin-R 45 units at bedtime, then when I get up the next morning my BG is in the 200 to 300 range. Two boxes of the Humalog pens (for a total of ten [10] pens costs $223.27 with my insurance. I send money every month to the American Diabetes Association; hoping that someone is working on a cure for his horrible disease, and NOT playing games on their lab computers. The insulin pens are a Godsend. On CNBC (Comcast Cable Channel 45) they have a show called "dlife" - and it is very interesting and informative. My diabetic peripheral neuropathy pretty much has me a prisoner as I can barely walk.

Does anyone know why you can buy the Humelin-R insulin over the counter, but you need a doctor's prescription to buy the Humalog insulin pens? They are both fast-acting insulins. Just curious.

Humulin R is not fasting acting. It's an intermediate insulin. NPH, also not a rapid insulin, is available without an Rx in most places in the US. All the rapid acting insulins require prescriptions.

Lots of interesting research to make monthly donations to, including Dr. Faustman at Mass General. The ADA isn't using your money for a cure. Personally, I wouldn't give them a cent.

I have been on this for years. It is a very strong insulin and you have to be very very careful with is because of lows ..My doc took me off lantus and the sliding scale and put me on 8 units in the morning and 8 units at night, It just seems I have to check sugars more often..good luck to you

Robert, have you considered a pump and CGM? Sounds like control is your biggest problem, but I'm only going on what you have posted here (I'm very new, so don't know you from other posts).

My own story... diagnosed 15 years ago type 2. For (pretty heavy) personal reasons, I fell off the wagon two years ago, and my diabetes gradually deteriorated until I almost crashed beginning of June, sugars well into the 4-500 range, chronically.

Went on insulin, and with gusto. I've been injecting 6-10x a day, testing almost as many, with the goal of tighter than ADA "tight guidelines" tight control. I'm there -- my BG stays 80-100, with post-meal peaks not exceeding 140 (usually not even 130).

And I have pretty strong insulin resistance.

All that said, here'w what happened: All neuropathy has vanished (through a painful, pins and needles transition, as the nerves came back on line). Blood pressure has dropped from 170/115 to 118/78 (yesterday). Head is clear. Have lots of energy. Emotionally upbeat. Excellent appetite again, enjoy food! No more vomiting 1-2x a week. And on and on.

Because of this, I've started the process to become a cyborg with a pod and dex g4 sensor grafted on to my body. I love feeling this way. I love the control. I love the prospect of keeping my kidneys and eyesight.

So, don't know what your situation is in detail, but it really sounds like you need a much more precise and responsive treatment regimen. Cost may be an issue that I'm not accounting for here. If it is, though, you can achieve the same level of excellent control with pens (I'm doing it) -- but it does take considerable effort.

It's worth it, though.